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What is a DDoS Attack and How Does it Work?

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, is an illegal attempt to make a website unavailable by overloading its server with high amounts of fake traffic. The onslaught of malicious connection requests places legitimate visitors at the back of an undiminishing traffic queue which prevents the website from loading.

BrowseControl Web Content Filtering Software - Block Websites & Applications | CurrentWare

Don’t let internet abuse run rampant in your organization. Take back control over web browsing with a free trial of BrowseControl. BrowseControl is an easy-to-use web content filtering software that helps organizations enforce policies, improve productivity, reduce bandwidth consumption, and meet compliance requirements - no matter where their users are located.

BrowseReporter User Activity Monitoring Software - Track Internet & Application Use | CurrentWare

Ready to make data-informed decisions? Get actionable insights into the activity of your users with a free trial of BrowseReporter. BrowseReporter is a versatile computer monitoring software (employee tracking software) that helps organizations enforce policies, meet compliance requirements, and understand how their users operate - no matter where they’re located.

AccessPatrol USB Device Control Software Overview - USB Data Loss Prevention | CurrentWare

Don’t let a preventable data leak ruin your organization. Take back control over portable storage devices with a free trial of AccessPatrol. AccessPatrol is a device control software solution for preventing data loss to portable storage devices. In this video CurrentWare's managing director Neel Lukka provides an overview of the features available in AccessPatrol.

A Closer Look at the Software Supply Chain Requirements in the Cybersecurity Executive Order

Software security is a big focus of the Biden administration’s recent executive order on cybersecurity. In fact, an entire section, or 25 percent, of the order is dedicated to software security requirements. In the wake of the SolarWinds cyberattack, the security of the software supply chain is clearly top of mind at the White House, and has prompted these unprecedented and detailed security requirements for any software vendor looking to do business with the federal government.

Hacker Tools Used for Good as Exposed Amazon Cloud Storage Accounts Get Warnings

Responding to the all too familiar news of compromised Amazon cloud storage, security researchers have begun leaving “friendly warnings” on AWS S3 accounts with exposed data or incorrect permissions. The misconfiguration of access control on AWS storage “buckets” has been behind numerous high profile data breaches, including Verizon, The Pentagon, Uber and FedEx.

Google's Office of the CISO Points the Way Towards Scaling Security

Amazon’s, Google’s and Microsoft’s experiences with building massive infrastructures for the world allows for some fascinating insights into the future of IT security at scale. As a result, when Google published The CISO’s Guide to Cloud Security Transformation earlier this year, I was curious about what priorities they saw in cloud security. It’s a short read, and it’s well worth the time invested in downloading a copy.

3 Steps Construction and Engineering Companies Should Take to Prevent Ransomware (and one to help you recover from an attack)

In our recent infographic we reported that almost 1 in 6 construction companies reported a ransomware attack in the past year so, yes, ransomware is a serious problem for construction companies. The question then becomes: why are construction and engineering companies being targeted with such frequency? For two reasons; first is a distributed workforce.

ProblemChild: Detecting living-off-the-land attacks using the Elastic Stack

When it comes to malware attacks, one of the more common techniques is “living off the land” (LOtL). Utilizing standard tools or features that already exist in the target environment allows these attacks to blend into the environment and avoid detection. While these techniques can appear normal in isolation, they start looking suspicious when observed in the parent-child context. This is where the ProblemChild framework can help.

How to remove friction in DevOps with Intelligent Orchestration partner integrations

Synopsys’s world-class application security products, services, and the recently released Intelligent Orchestration can help you build secure, high-quality, resilient software faster. But no single vendor can provide solutions for all the challenges a company faces today. Firms need partners to solve the myriad business challenges they face. Synopsys Technology Alliance Partner program partners with the technology industry’s leading organizations to create joint customer value.