Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Using Records to improve story performance in Tines

In a guest blog post, Aaron Jewitt, Principal Detection Engineer at Elastic, walks us through a Tines workflow he built to improve the efficiency of his team's automated alert triage processes. He recently shared how his InfoSec team uses Tines to automate alert triage over on Elastic's blog, which makes a great companion piece to this post.

"AI is only useful when it solves real customer problems": Tines on Risky Biz

We’re all huge fans of the Risky Biz podcast here at Tines, so we were thrilled to be invited to appear on the show recently to talk about AI’s role in security automation. I had a great conversation with host Patrick Gray about the security and privacy challenges that go along with deploying an LLM in your environment, and how our approach to AI in Tines is fundamentally different. I loved every minute of this chat, and I hope you’ll find it interesting, too.

Measuring the success of your SOAR: 5 criteria for enterprise security teams

As more and more organizations use automation and orchestration to streamline their security operations, defining clear success criteria becomes critical to ensure the effectiveness and scalability of their program. Recently, an enterprise prospect approached us seeking help on establishing success criteria for their upcoming journey with Tines workflow automation.

Friday Flows Special Edition: Change Control with AI Summary

Tyler Talaga, Staff Engineer at MyFitnessPal, is one of the early adopters of Tines' AI capabilities. In this special "Wednesday Workflows," Tyler walks through a story he built to improve the visibility of Change Control requests. This workflow routes Change Control requests to Slack with a detailed summary provided through the AI Action, helping the team quickly approve (or deny) a change. The MyFitnessPal team is building many new, helpful automations with the AI capabilities, including one to summarize vulnerabilities fixed in MacOS updates.

What Udemy is building with AI in Tines

For the security team at Udemy, AI in workflow automation provides an opportunity to unlock new time savings while keeping their organization secure, and protecting their online learning and teaching marketplace of 62 million users. But like all good security teams, they don’t want to sacrifice data security or privacy. AI in Tines, which is secure and private by design, provides that all-important layer of control - data never leaves the region, travels online, is logged, or is used for training.

Introducing AI in Tines

Everyone in the market is talking about AI right now. It’s a modern marvel; some say it might even be as big as the Industrial Revolution. We’re not big on grandiose statements like that, but we are big on delivering products that help our customers be more efficient and secure and, as a result, have happier and more engaged teams. That’s why today, we’re excited to announce AI in Tines. Two powerful features to make Tines even more accessible to any member of your organization.

AI in Tines | Product Spotlight

Stephen O’Brien, Head of Product, will walk through our journey to introducing AI in Tines. He’ll cover key questions you asked us, and the ones we asked ourselves as we tested and iterated with this innovative technology. Journey with AI from research to practical implementation Best practices with interacting in Tines Next steps for AI in Tines We’re extremely excited about the usability improvements we built and how they’ll reduce friction for both our advanced and novice users alike.