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O365 Phishing Attack Used Real-Time Validation against Active Directory

A phishing attack used real-time validation against an organization’s Active Directory in order to steal users’ Office 365 credentials. According to Armorblox, the phishing attack targeted an executive working at an American brand that was named one of the world’s Top 50 most innovative companies for 2019 on a Friday evening.

Cryptocurrency exchange Eterbase hacked, $5.4 million worth of funds stolen

European cryptocurrency exchange platform Eterbase has announced that it has suffered a security breach which saw malicious hackers access its network and steal funds worth US $5.4 million. In a message posted on Telegram, the Slovakian cryptocurrency exchange listed the six hot wallets plundered by cybercriminals for their Ether, Tezos, Bitcoin, ALGO, Ripple, and TRON riches.

Meeting the Challenges of Remote Work with Chrome OS Policy Settings - Part II

Welcome to the second part of this two-part blog series for administrators who are new to the Chromebook enterprise system. In the previous blog, we discussed settings that are applicable to users and applications. In this blog, we will further explore the Chrome enterprise admin panel as we look into settings that pertain to privacy and physical devices. Device Settings Device settings apply to the physical Chromebook device. They are enforced no matter which user is logged in.

Identifying the Most Dangerous Common Software and Hardware Weaknesses and Vulnerabilities - The CWE Top 25 (2020 Edition)

So far, there has not been a perfect solution to ridding the world of software and hardware weaknesses. Keeping up-to-date with which weaknesses have are most common and impactful can be a daunting task. Thankfully, a list has been made to do just that the Common Weakness Enumeration Top 25 (CWE).

Covid-19 Exposure Logging: Key Privacy Considerations

Recently, both Apple and Google released new updates for iPhone and Android devices. One feature that was added was “Covid-19 Exposure Logging.” The feature is off (for now), and according to the text that accompanies the app, when turned on, it is set to communicate via Bluetooth to other devices.

Dashboards: An Effective Cybersecurity Tool

Data is only as good as what you are able to do with it. Not only does the cybersecurity universe collect data, but individual enterprises also collect cybersecurity data from within their organization as well as from external sources in order to add to more context and relevance. All data needs to be analyzed in order to create actionable insights.

Gift Cards Requested in Two-Thirds of BEC Attacks, Report Reveals

A report revealed that scammers requested funds in the form of gift cards in two-thirds of business email compromise (BEC) attacks. For a phishing trends report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), APWG member Agari examined thousands of BEC attacks that occurred in the second half of 2020. It found that 66% of them involved gift cards. By contrast, direct bank transfers factored in just 18% of attacks, followed close behind by payroll diversions at 16%.

Meeting the Challenges of Remote Work with Chrome OS Policy Settings - Part I

Many organizations, from enterprises to small businesses and schools, are focusing efforts on distance working and learning. One significant hurdle for those who are suddenly tasked with supporting remote users is the question of how to manage a fleet of new endpoints. One appealing solution for managing all these new remote users is to use Google Chromebooks.

CISO: What the Job REALLY Entails and How It's Evolved over the Years

All of us know what a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) does from afar. A CISO upholds the organization’s overall security by overseeing the operations of the IS practice, the IT security department and related staff. In this capacity, those who become a CISO attain the highest paying job in information security, as it carries the associated responsibility of enabling business in a fast-evolving threat landscape. But is there more to this job than that description is letting on?