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IoT Devices: Privacy and Security in Abusive Relationships

A few weeks, ago, technology news site The Verge reported on a new Ring security camera that is in fact a drone that flies around inside your house. Available beginning next year, the ‘Always Home Cam’ is supposed to give its owners a total view of their home without the need for multiple cameras. Those worried about break-ins or other kinds of suspicious activities may like the idea of being a fly on the wall in any room inside the house, even when they’re away from home.

Barnes & Noble warns customers it has been hacked, customer data may have been accessed

American bookselling giant Barnes & Noble is contacting customers via email, warning them that its network was breached by hackers, and that sensitive information about shoppers may have been accessed. In the email to customers, Barnes & Noble says that it became aware that it had fallen victim to a cybersecurity attack on Saturday October 10th.

UAE's Information Assurance Regulation - How to Achieve Compliance

For years, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has committed itself to adopting information technology (IT) and electronic communication. The UAE’s Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) noted that this policy has made the state’s government agencies and organizations more efficient as well as has improved the ability for individuals to collaborate around the world.

Shared Responsibility and Configuration Management in the Cloud: SecTor 2020

A number of high-profile data breaches have resulted directly from misconfigured permissions or unpatched vulnerabilities. For instance, the 2017 Equifax breach was the result of exploiting an unpatched flaw in Apache Struts allowing remote code execution. More recently, the Capital One breach last year stemmed from a misconfigured web application firewall. Verizon’s 2020 DBIR reported that only hacking was more prevalent than misconfiguration errors as the culprit of data breaches.

Deepfake Voice Technology Iterates on Old Phishing Strategies

As the world of AI and deepfake technology grows more complex, the risk that deepfakes pose to firms and individuals grows increasingly potent. This growing sophistication of the latest software and algorithms has allowed malicious hackers, scammers and cyber criminals who work tirelessly behind the scenes to stay one step ahead of the authorities, making the threat of attacks increasingly difficult to both prepare for and defend against.

How Cybersecurity Leaders Can Understand the Value of Their Organization's Security Solutions

Information Security leaders have to demonstrate the value and purpose for each solution that’s purchased and prove the solution that was chosen is doing the job it was procured to do. Executives are therefore requiring Information Security leaders to prove the value of the solutions in ways they understand. They need to see the value not in security metrics but in dollars and cents.

How Tripwire Custom Workflow Automation Can Enhance Your Network Visibility

Tripwire Enterprise is a powerful tool. It provides customers insight into nearly every aspect of their systems and devices. From change management to configuration and compliance, Tripwire can provide “eyes on” across the network. Gathering that vast amount of data for analysis does not come without challenges. Customers have asked for better integration with their processes and third-party tools.

Achieving Compliance with Qatar's National Information Assurance Policy

Qatar is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Finances Online, Global Finance Magazine and others consider it to be the wealthiest nation. This is because the country has a small population of under 3 million but relies on oil for the majority of its exports and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). These two factors helped to push the country’s GDP measured at purchasing power parity (PPP) to over 132,886, per Global Finance Magazine’s findings in August 2020.

Securing Cloud Environments: Staying on top of cloud configurations to prevent data leaks.

Securing Cloud Environments: Staying on top of cloud configurations to prevent data leaks with PJ Norris, Senior Systems Engineer. Shares new research Shows common mistakes Offers solutions that help with hardening and compliance in the cloud