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Snail Mail With a Privacy Twist

A friend of mine received an interesting piece of snail mail the other day. It was one of those inheritance scam letters that usually arrive in E-Mail. In summary, the author, a high-ranking bank official, has an unclaimed inheritance that he is willing to split with the letter’s recipient if the recipient will accept the responsibility of being appointed as the heir to the deceased’s money, etcetera, etcetera. As you can see, it bears all the earmarks of the traditional scam message.

Taking Care of Your Data Responsibilities in a Shared Responsibility Model in the Cloud

“Send it to the cloud” has been the increasingly common response over the years for dealing with the issue of how to handle massive amounts of data. On one side, I understand it. Another infrastructure owned by a third party who has teams dedicated to implementing security by design, continuous testing and validation – this all sounds attractive.

From Customer to Employee - A Tripwire Journey

Tripwire is very much household name within the cybersecurity community. It’s been around from the early days of creating intrusion detection software that would later be known as File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) all the way through to deploying a portfolio of products that focuses on SCM, Vulnerability Management, Asset Management, Industrial Cybersecurity and much more!

Security Execs' Advice on Overcoming the Challenges of Remote Work

At the outset of the global coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, many organizations decided to enforce social distancing by requiring that their employees begin working from home. This decision changed the fundamental way in which many employees were accustomed to working. It also created new security challenges for organizations that had larger remote workforces.

SCM: Understanding Its Place in Your Organization's Digital Security Strategy

Digital attackers can compromise a system in a matter of minutes. But it generally takes organizations much longer to figure out that anything has happened. In its 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), for instance, Verizon Enterprise found that more than half of large organizations took days or even months to detect a security incident. Such dwell time gave attackers all they needed to move throughout an infected network and exfiltrate sensitive data.

Integrating the Risk Management Framework (RMF) with DevOps

Information security should be at the heart of every system launched. In accordance with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), an information technology system is granted an Authority to Operate (ATO) after passing a risk-based cybersecurity assessment.

Google App Engine, Azure App Service Abused in Phishing Campaign

A phishing campaign abused both the Google App Engine and the Azure App Service to steal victims’ Microsoft Outlook credentials. Netskope observed that the attack campaign started with a shortened link distributed by a phishing email. This link redirected a recipient of the email to a Google App Engine domain.

Cybercriminals Are Infiltrating Netgear Routers with Ancient Attack Methods

It would be heartening to think that cybersecurity has advanced since the 1990s, but some things never change. Vulnerabilities that some of us first saw in 1996 are still with us. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the news. Last month, Virginia-based cybersecurity firm GRIMM announced that they had found a vulnerability that affects many Netgear home WiFi routers. The cause? Outdated firmware that allows remote users to access the administrative systems in these routers.

Survey: 76% of IT Pros Say It's Difficult to Maintain Security Configs in the Cloud

Cloud misconfigurations are no laughing matter. In its “2020 Cloud Misconfigurations Report,” DivvyCloud revealed that 196 separate data breaches involving cloud misconfigurations had cost companies a combined total of approximately $5 trillion between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019. The problem is that those costs could be even higher; as reported by ZDNet, 99% of IaaS issues go unreported.

New Agent Tesla Variants Capable of Stealing Data from VPNs, Browsers

Some new variants of the Agent Tesla infostealer family are capable of stealing data from multiple VPN clients and web browsers. SentinelOne observed that attackers continue to deploy Agent Tesla across various stages of their operations, as this malware enables criminals with even low levels of technical expertise to manipulate and manage their victims’ infected devices.