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Best Practices for Security in SSH

Secure Shell (abbreviated as SSH) is a network protocol that aims to offer an extra layer of protection. In this article, we will discuss how you can ensure the security of your network using SSH. Keep reading to learn more! With the advancements in technology, many business processes we carry out today heavily relies on the internet, online tools and connected devices.

Employee PC Monitoring Software

You never have to wonder about what your employees are doing during work hours again. With Veriato, the most robust PC monitoring software on the market, you can monitor every digital move your employees make, regardless of whether they are working in the office or at home. It’s never been easier to keep track of your employees’ digital activity thanks to Veriato.

Detecting Google Cloud Platform OAuth Token Abuse Using Splunk

In a recent post by the Splunk Threat Research team, we addressed permanent and temporary token/credential abuse in AWS and how to mitigate credential exposure. With 94% of Enterprises using a cloud service, and some using at least five different cloud platforms, it’s imperative to stay ahead of threats across multicloud environments. Let’s now turn our attention to Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and how to detect and mitigate OAuth Token Abuse.

Eclipse SW360: Main Features

Over five years ago, Adrian Bridgwater wrote a Forbes article pronouncing that “If Software Is Eating The World, Then Open Source Will Chew It Up (And Swallow).” That statement is just as true today. Open source components have become a basic building block for software developers, providing them with ready-made solutions from a vast community that help them keep up with today’s speedy and frequent release cycles.

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide: Detecting Malicious Office Documents

Malicious Microsoft Office documents are a popular vehicle for malware distribution. Malware families such as Emotet, IcedID, and Dridex use Office documents as their primary distribution mechanism. Several recent Emotet attacks used a novel approach to sending email baits and hosted the malicious documents in cloud apps to increase their success.

The Devil's in the Dependency: Data-Driven Software Composition Analysis

We all know that lurking within even the most popular open source packages are flaws that can leave carefully constructed applications vulnerable. In fact, 71% of all applications contain flawed open source libraries, many (70.7%) coming from downstream dependencies which might escape the notice of developers. Using graph analytics and a broad data science toolkit, we untangle the web of open source dependencies and flaws and show the best way for developers to navigate this seemingly intractable game of whack-a-mole.

5 Lessons About Software Security for Cybersecurity Awareness Month

October is cybersecurity awareness month, and this year, the overarching theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” When considering what “cybersmart” means in application security, we realized we unearthed some data this year that made us a little cybersmarter and could help other security professionals and developers increase their AppSec smarts as well. We’re sharing those data gems below.

Nightfall Data Loss Prevention makes HIPAA Compliance Possible

Covered entities bound by law to follow HIPAA regulations – like healthcare providers, health plans, and others handling protected health information (PHI) – need to demonstrate efforts to secure PHI. The specific measures required to do so are detailed in the HIPAA security rule which states that covered entities must put controls into place to identify and protect against anticipated threats to the security and integrity of PHI.