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Data-first Culture + Employees = Better CX

There’s a lot of talk about the ability of AI and machine learning to augment digital transformation journeys by creating better customer experiences and empowering employees to make decisions using data. However, IT and business leaders can sometimes face analysis paralysis when confronted with this topic because it means something different for every business – and it means shifting an entire company culture towards a new way of working. One key shift is making use of machine data.

Logsentinel PAM Demo: Privileged Access Management and Event Logging

LogSentinel #PAM Protects From Log Tampering There's a significant risk for a privileged Linux user to tamper with company data and try to avoid being detected by clearing logs. Such log tampering may potentially threaten one’s business continuity. That’s why we developed LogSentinel PAM, which can be implemented in just a few steps.

Athleticism and AIOps: What's your checklist?

Here at Devo’s Cambridge, MA office, we’ve been steeped in news of national sports league playoffs for several weeks. The games are great, even with the stress and uncertainty of overtime, but it’s gotten me thinking about the professional hockey and basketball players, and how they’ve become as successful as they are.

Enterprise log management is here to stay: Part 1

Logs began with UNIX in the 1960s, partly to preserve the culture of close communication in programming. Luckily, that culture has held fast as programming and technology have taken many different shapes and evolutions over the years, and today, the idea behind logs is still to maintain data for correlation and analysis to meet enterprise security and compliance needs.

Logging in a DevOps environment: what you should know

DevOps is the new normal, and cloud here is to stay – sound familiar? When you combine the two and distill the technology at the core, what you end up with is the realization of the importance of logs and log management. This is because logs at multiple levels help DevOps teams understand their application and even allow them to detect and address application issues before being promoted into production.

3 Reasons Log Management is Critical for Business Intelligence

Log management is the answer to all of your digital transformation woes. No, hear me out. At its heart, log management is the (challenging) task of collecting and storing all machine-generated data from across your entire enterprise into a common repository. If this collection doesn’t happen, or if log collection is limited to certain datasets, there’s little chance of deriving those high value insights you dream of.

State of Modern Applications & DevSecOps in the Cloud - 2018

Sumo Logic's report with data-driven insights, best practices, and year-over-year trends - all by analyzing technology adoption among enterprises who run massive applications on AWS, Azure, and GCP. The report also provides additional visibility into the DevSecOps tools and methodologies used within cloud-first organizations as they “lift and shift” or modernize and migrate existing applications to cloud environments.