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Information vs. Operational Technology: IT vs. OT Explained

Since the rise of the Internet, organizations and individuals have increasingly sought ways to keep their information secure and private. IT has witnessed a changing cyber threat landscape, and businesses have relied more and more on the Internet and data to function. However, the attack landscape widened in the 2010s. With widespread computer worms like Stuxnet in 2010, cybercriminals have gained critical access to organizations through operational technology.

Introducing LevelBlue's 24/7 Managed Threat Detection and Response Service for Government

As new threat vectors emerge and cybercriminals leverage sophisticated technologies to orchestrate more targeted attacks, staying ahead of threats is more challenging than ever. We are excited to announce the launch of a new managed security service designed to protect highly regulated data and help ensure critical services are efficiently delivered.

The First Step in Creating an Offensive Security Program: Managed Vulnerability Scanning

An offensive security program is an excellent component of a mature cybersecurity program, but kicking off that process can be overwhelming for some organizations. After all, offensive security has several components, such as Penetration Testing, Red Team exercises, incorporating threat intelligence, etc., so it can be hard to decide where to start. The answer to this dilemma starts with Managed Vulnerability Scanning (MVS).

Dive into AI and LLM learning with the new Snyk Learn learning path

Snyk Learn, our developer security education platform, just got better! We have expanded our lesson coverage and created a new learning path that covers the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs and GenAI, and is entirely free! As AI continues to revolutionize industries, ensuring the security of AI-driven systems has never been more critical.

Inside the Cloud: Unintended Privileges

This is the third article in a series about cloud-based attack vectors. Check out our last article about Cloud-Based ransomware! As Identity Access Management (IAM) becomes more complex, it becomes possible for an attacker to exploit the capabilities of legitimate permissions alone or in combination, escalating privileges and gaining potentially devastating levels of access. Because these privileges are legitimate, these attacks can be difficult to detect until the damage is already done.

Immutable Ledgers: Recording Time-Sensitive Decisions and Knowledge

In a time when everything said, whether factual, fake, or AI-created, may be recorded and posted on the internet, it’s more important than ever to ensure that what was recorded accurately represents a point in time. When someone claims you said, “I was Smoking on a flight, watching Star Wars, the best special effects movie of all time,” was that a false claim? Did they include the date and the context?

North Korean Hackers Target Software Developers With Phony Coding Tests

Researchers at ReversingLabs warn that North Korea’s Lazarus Group is targeting software developers with phony job interviews. The threat actors are posing as employees of major financial services firms and send coding assessment tests as part of the interview process. Our team recently recorded a webinar that covers this exact topic, as our cybersecurity experts discuss how we spotted the red flags and stopped it before any damage was done.

SANS Releases Guide to Address Rise in Attacks on Manufacturing and Industrial Control Systems

Increased ransomware attacks on industrial control systems (ICS), mixed with general ICS insecurity found across the manufacturing sector, has given rise to a guide specifically addressing this risk. Manufacturing has been a target of ransomware for quite some time — I’ve even covered a recent attack focused on credential harvesting.