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Webinar on Key to Effective Cloud Security in 2020

Cloud migration challenges Few applications don’t work well on cloud-like how they work on-premises, IT leaders need to figure out cloud migration failures in such instances as it could be due to poor latency, compliance challenges or security concerns. Due to the higher cost of cloud people generally think applications will work well however it is not the case as few applications won’t work well on the cloud that is why it is important for managers to rethink their strategies.

The Future is Hybrid:Key Considerations for Cloud and DevOps

Do you want to modernize your cloud infrastructure while staying one step ahead of the associated security risks? Common cloud infrastructure challenges arise around the elasticity and short lifespan of servers as well as the up-and-coming wave of containerization. These challenges are the new status quo for organizations that expand their systems across on-prem and virtual infrastructures, resulting in a “hybrid” environment.

Who's Responsible for Industrial Cybersecurity and Securing OT Environments?

Who are the key stakeholders involved when it comes to securing OT environments? Kristen Polous, General Manager of Industrial Cybersecurity at Tripwire, discusses who should be responsible for ICS security and how these stakeholders can work together to address cyber risks.

The Biggest Challenge Affecting Industrial Cybersecurity Organizations

Implementing a robust cybersecurity program is no small feat, especially for critical infrastructure organizations. Kristen Polous, General Manager of Industrial Cybersecurity at Tripwire, shares the number one challenge affecting industrial cybersecurity customers today and how to overcome it.