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Kubernetes Threat Intelligence: Detecting Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA)

Malicious actors often use Domain Generation Algorithms (DGA) to exploit the DNS protocol and execute command-and-control (C & C) malware attacks. In this webinar, threat researchers Manoj Ajuhe and Chris Gong from Tigera’s Threat Detection Team will be sharing the latest insights into DGAs, the risks they present, along with best practices to speed detection and mitigation.

Appknox Webinar - All Things Security for Your Remote Workforce!

Remote work poses unique challenges for companies because employees are not physically working on-site, they're often relying on their own Wi-Fi networks and devices to access company data and infrastructure. To mitigate security risks, companies must implement clear and comprehensive data security policies and take proactive measures to ensure complete cybersecurity for their remote teams.

Gravity: Running Cloud Applications in Remote, Restricted and Regulated Environments.

Gravity is an application delivery system that lets engineers deliver and run cloud-native applications in regulated, restricted, or remote environments without added complexity. Gravity works by putting applications and all their dependencies onto a single deployable file, which can be used to create hardened Kubernetes clusters that can reliably and securely run in any Linux environment: edge, multi-cloud, private cloud, on-prem, and air-gapped.