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How CISOs Should Handle Future CrowdStrike-type Breaches

SolarWinds, MOVEit, Knight Capital, and now CrowdStrike. The vendor ecosystem will remain a major playing field for operational disruptions. But are you ready for the next inevitable event? As a CISO, your response to such a question from the board shouldn't be anything less than a resounding "Yes!" Here are five plans of action to help your organization survive the next major IT quake, whether it's due to another rusty security update or a third-party breach.

Strategies for a Secure Software Development Lifecycle

Between customer requirements, regulatory or legislative mandates and executive orders, incorporating strong security controls throughout the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) has become a central focus for development groups, leadership teams and governing bodies. However, regardless of external motivators, maintaining a secure SDLC also provides the developer tangible benefits regarding the health of the software by ensuring a meticulous focus on architecture and solid software-building practices.

"What's our number?": Responding To Your Exposure to CrowdStrike Outage Event

Is cyber risk insurable? That question is often at the heart of the debate about the future of the cyber insurance industry. One of the primary drivers of that question is the insurance industry’s challenges when managing systemic cyber risk since many believe that systemic cyber risk has the potential to bankrupt the industry. While there hasn’t been a catastrophic cyber incident that has proven the skeptics right, there have been several close calls.

Introducing Unlock with Google for 1Password Business

1Password Business customers can now integrate with Google Identity Platform using OpenID Connect (OIDC). Doing so brings all the benefits of integrating 1Password with your IdP: streamlined access, unified security policies, and improved auditing, compliance, and reporting workflows.

Highlights of The 2024 Remediation Operations Report

As digital threats grow increasingly sophisticated, organizations must stay ahead by adopting advanced strategies to manage and mitigate vulnerabilities. This necessity has driven significant changes in how remediation operations are conducted, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and innovation. Seemplicity’s 2024 Remediation Operations Report revealed several key trends and practices that are shaping the future of remediation operations.

What is an account takeover?

Whether you’re a Halloween or comic con fan, dressing up as your favorite character is something you’ve probably done at least once in your life. As a kid, you were excited to put on that flimsy Batman mask and cape, thinking you looked just like the hero you saw on the movie screen. As an adult, getting or making the most move-accurate costume may allow other people to think that you are the actor in disguise.

Intune vs. JumpCloud for Discovering Shadow IT

People who don’t have the tool to get a job done will find one that works. That’s why shadow IT, software or services that are unaccounted for and unauthorized, exists. It may even underlie important business processes, which is why it’s extremely important to discover what’s really out there. Shadow IT creates security concerns, can impact operations, and easily becomes a roadblock on the path to digital transformation.

Data Loss Prevention Strategy: From Reactive to Proactive

In today’s data-driven world, safeguarding sensitive information is paramount. A well-crafted Data Loss Prevention (DLP) strategy acts as a shield, protecting your organization from costly data breaches and reputational damage and ensuring you meet regulatory requirements. Following a step-by-step guide ensures you cover all the essential bases, from selecting a loss prevention policy that aligns with your needs to conducting regular security audits.

AI Governance Belongs In Your Organization

In the modern workplace, GenAI models have become powerful assets due to their ability to introduce efficiency, up level product innovation, and expedite how teams close the gap on competitors. However, these powerful tools also introduce significant risks related to data security and governance. Companies that aren’t actively figuring out how to govern the GenAI they’ve adopted will inevitably be left vulnerable.