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Yellow Card Integrates Fireblocks to Streamline Cross-Border Transactions in Africa

Fireblocks has launched support for Yellow Card, Africa’s leading stablecoin on/off ramp, to improve cross-border transactions for both businesses and individuals. By integrating the Fireblocks digital asset infrastructure, Yellow Card seeks to remove obstacles for global corporate treasury in accessing African markets by offering secure and effective on-chain solutions.

What Steps Are Involved in An ISO 27001 Audit?

As the strongest and most well-recognized security certification around the world, ISO 27001 is a very popular – and very stringent – framework to adhere to. If you’re a business operating anywhere in the world, and you want to achieve security levels that build confidence and open doors with customers and clients who value trust, ISO 27001 is a great option.

How To Stop A DDoS Attack

On a Friday afternoon at 5 PM, you’re cruising along the backroads in your car, listening to your favorite music. You’re on vacation and making excellent time to your destination until you notice the long stream of red tail lights a few miles ahead. After sitting in standstill traffic for over an hour, you realize that highway construction created a detour to the two-lane backroad that you were using to skip the rush hour traffic.

How to Detect Insider Threats (And Stop Them From Happening)

In early 2022, a Yahoo employee, Qian Sang, exploited his access to confidential information, and stole the company’s AdLearn product minutes after receiving a job offer from a competitor. By the time the breach was discovered, the damage was extensive, costing the company millions in fines, legal fees, and lost business . This incident is not an isolated case.

Google Fixes Actively Exploited Chrome Vulnerability

Google has recently released an urgent security update to fix a high-severity vulnerability in its Chrome browser. This flaw, identified as CVE-2024-7971, has been actively exploited by attackers, posing a significant risk to users. The vulnerability, rooted in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, could allow remote attackers to execute harmful code via specially crafted web pages. As cyber threats continue to evolve, it is crucial for users to stay informed and ensure their browsers are up to date.

How To Protect Yourself From Identity Theft

You can protect yourself from identity theft by safeguarding your Social Security number and other sensitive documents, regularly reviewing your credit reports, using a dark web monitoring tool and not oversharing online. Identity theft occurs when someone steals and uses your sensitive documents unbeknownst to you to gain money or access to your confidential information. Examples of sensitive documents include Social Security numbers, credit card numbers, bank account information and passport numbers.

Handling Internal Security Threats: A Balanced Approach

While external cyberattacks often make the headlines, internal security risks (aka insider risks) present a significant danger that is sometimes underestimated. These risks can arise from disgruntled employees, negligent insiders, or malicious actors with privileged access. The repercussions of such breaches can be severe, resulting in data loss, financial harm, legal fines, and harm to reputation.

Remote Event Log Management: Enhancing Security and Efficiency

Windows devices are the most popular among organizations and these Windows-based operating systems and applications produce an extensive variety of logs, such as Windows Event logs and Windows Activity logs, making it challenging to effectively monitor these applications and systems. To make contextual sense of Windows Event logs and Windows Activity logs, organizations conduct Windows log management to derive insights from monitoring and analyzing these logs.

Magecart Attack - Techniques, Examples & Preventions

Magecart attacks are a form of digital skimming that targets insecure websites to steal payment information. These attacks involve injecting malicious JavaScript code into e-commerce websites to steal sensitive information such as credit card details during the checkout process. The term “Magecart” originates from the attackers’ initial focus on Magento, a popular e-commerce platform, though their methods have since expanded to target various other platforms.