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How To Protect Data in Motion with DLP Software

As companies handle increasingly sensitive information, securing data in motion—the data actively transferred across networks or between devices—has become an important priority. Whether moving through corporate networks, across mobile devices, or stored in the cloud, this data is particularly vulnerable to threats from malicious actors, insider threats, and unauthorized users.

Three trends shaping software supply chain security today

Building software continues to look like an assembly line, with developers pulling resources from across the web to create applications. Although third-party resources have played an essential role in developing software for many years, the way that development teams use these external components looks different today.

Secure Databases at the Point of Data: Rubrik Support for Oracle Databases on Windows Is Now Available

In today's data-driven world, protecting critical business information is paramount. We're excited to announce that Rubrik support for Oracle Databases on Windows is now available. This added support enables customers to bring Rubrik Security Cloud to even more of their mission-critical Oracle environments, providing a comprehensive, efficient, and reliable data protection solution for enterprises of all sizes.

Red Teaming vs Penetration Testing: Understanding the Differences

In today’s rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape, organisations must stay ahead of emerging threats and vulnerabilities to remain competitive. Two critical approaches to bolster security are Red Teaming and Penetration Testing. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they serve different purposes and employ distinct methodologies. Understanding the differences between Red Teaming and Penetration Testing is essential for implementing an effective cybersecurity strategy.

What Is Smishing and How Organizations Can Protect Themselves

In the summer of 2022, a few Twilio employees received an odd text message. Appearing to be from the internal IT department, these messages suggested employees need to reset expiring passwords through a specific URL. However, neither the URL or the message was legitimate, and the threat actors controlled the URL. They essentially tricked employees into giving away credentials, resulting in the compromise of over 130 connected organizations.

Weekly Cyber Security News 22/08/2024

Let’s catch up on the more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news gathered from articles across the web this week. This is what we have been reading about on our coffee break! A badly coded WordPress plugin again. Luckily it has been caught: Sneaky! DNS is such a great lure for using as a control channel. I’m really surprised its not used more: Oh dear. At least they found it in the end…

Sysdig's AI Workload Security: The risks of rapid AI adoption

The buzz around artificial intelligence (AI) is showing no sign of slowing down any time soon. The introduction of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought about unprecedented advancements and utility across various industries. However, with this progress comes a set of well-known but often overlooked security risks for the organizations who are deploying these public, consumer-facing LLM applications.

The Rise of the Machines and the Growing AI Identity Attack Surface

In 1968, a killer supercomputer named HAL 9000 gripped imaginations in the sci-fi thriller “2001: A Space Odyssey.” The dark side of artificial intelligence (AI) was intriguing, entertaining and completely far-fetched. Audiences were hooked, and numerous blockbusters followed, from “The Terminator” in 1984 to “The Matrix” in 1999, each exploring AI’s extreme possibilities and potential consequences.