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Differences Between VM Snapshots and Backups

Backups and snapshots are two popular technologies that enterprises use to mitigate data loss and minimize disruptions. In fact, backups and DR remain a top priority for organizations in 2023 to protect their data and mitigate the consequences of cyber threats and other incidents. Snapshots and backups may seem to serve the same purpose at first glance since they both allow you to recover data. However, snapshots are not a replacement for backups.

Navigating Change: Three Levels to Filter Out the Noise in Tech Environments

Change is relentless. Technology evolves at breakneck speed, and security practitioners face a constant barrage of updates, system tweaks, and new tools. This relentless stream of modifications can create a clutter of information, making it challenging to pinpoint what is truly important. Effectively filtering through this noise through effective change management is critical for maintaining operational efficiency and security.

What is SIEM in cyber security? Definition & Meaning.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is a critical tool in modern cybersecurity, combining Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM) to provide real-time monitoring, threat detection and incident response. Obrela’s SIEM solutions collect and analyse security data from various sources to provide a comprehensive view of the security landscape.

"It's so important that the CISO gets a seat at the table": a Q&A with Trace3's Gina Yacone

A leading voice in cybersecurity, Gina Yacone is a trusted advisor to senior security leaders, guiding them through emerging trends and recommending strategies to strengthen defenses. She was also recently named Cybersecurity Woman Volunteer of the Year 2024. As regional and advisory CISO at the elite technology consultancy Trace3, she also participates in the Trace3 AI Center of Excellence (CoE) Champion Program, keeping her at the forefront of AI and security innovation.

How a Security Operations Approach Can Prevent Man-in-the-Middle Attacks

Here’s an endpoint you don’t often think about: your car. But if it’s Wi-Fi enabled, as many new models are, that means it resides at the end point of a network connection and can communicate on that network, making it an endpoint.

A look into Web Application Security

In today's digital age, web applications are the backbone of many businesses, supporting and managing a vast array of sensitive information, from personal details and financial records to critical business data. When we think about any company that we want to know more about, the most common question is: “what is their website”? But web applications are not just about traditional websites, they encompass far more than just the pages you go to when browsing the Internet.

Identifying Common Open Port Vulnerabilities in Your Network

When intruders want to break into an establishment, they look for an opening. An open port is one of the openings that a hacker or threat actor looks for to access a digital network. That open port may be on a firewall, a server, or any network-connected computing device. Just as a single unlocked door can jeopardize your privacy and grant access to a physical building, a single open port can provide a point for hackers to breach your systems, exposing you to their malicious intents.

Account Takeover Protection: What It Is and How It Combats ATO Fraud

Think about how many employees work at your organization. Now think about how many sensitive files each one can access. A single compromised user account could lead to an extortion scam, a ransomware attack, or even a data breach. If you haven’t reviewed your account takeover protection protocols in a while, now is the time. Account takeover (ATO) protection is not a single countermeasure, but rather a whole set of cybersecurity measures.