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Maximizing Cybersecurity with SOC Support Consulting: What You Need to Know

Businesses need strong cybersecurity steps because threats are always changing. As cyberattacks get smarter and happen more often, it's more important than ever to have good security processes. SOC Support Consulting is becoming an important part of improving cybersecurity because it gives companies the knowledge and tools they need to quickly find and stop threats.

Best Practices for Writing an IT Security Incident Report

Everyone remembers that one required writing class they needed to take. If you’re like a lot of other security analysts, you assumed that your job would focus on using technology, not writing research papers. However, in today’s business environment, cyber incidents are critical business events, especially as governments and agencies create more reporting requirements.

Understanding Backup Encryption Options

Data backup is critical to data loss prevention and swift recovery. A part of a secure and resilient data protection strategy is backup encryption to prevent breaches and access to data by unauthorized persons. This blog post covers encryption types based on where data is encrypted and explains how a specific approach can be used for an effective backup encryption strategy. Say no to ransoms with NAKIVO Use backups for fast data recovery after ransomware attacks.

What Does End-to-End Encryption Mean?

End-to-End Encryption (E2EE) is a method of transferring data securely from your device to another person’s device while protecting information from any third parties. In general, encryption refers to the process of data being converted from a readable format into ciphertext, which is blocks of random characters that are unreadable to people and machines. Once your data has been encrypted, it can only be read after being decrypted with an encryption key.

What To Do if Someone Stole Your Child's Identity

While having your own identity stolen is stressful and scary, you will likely be even more terrified if someone steals your child’s identity. Child identity theft occurs when someone steals a minor’s private information to open lines of credit, obtain loans or claim benefits in a child’s name. Based on data from Safe Home, 73% of child identity theft victims know the person who stole their identity, so it’s important to teach children strong online practices.

Why Identity Security is Your Best Companion for Uncharted Compliance Challenges

In today’s rapidly evolving global regulatory landscape, new technologies, environments and threats are heightening cybersecurity and data privacy concerns. In the last year, governing bodies have taken significant steps to enact stricter compliance measures—and more than ever, they are focusing on identity-related threats. Some notable changes include: Zero Trust is a common thread in many recent regulatory changes.

Security Questionnaire Automation vs. RFP Software: Choosing the Right Tool

RFPs and security questionnaires play an important role in the sales and procurement process, helping buyers evaluate potential vendors and ensuring all necessary criteria are met before entering the contract phase. Despite their importance, the process can be arduous for both buyers and vendors, necessitating the development of tools that are designed to simplify and streamline these tasks.

What are NISPOM Regulations? History, Compliance & More

NISPOM is an increasingly important part of the regulations surrounding work as a government contractor and is especially critical if you handle classified information. It’s also a lengthy and detailed part of the Federal Register and is complex enough that it often takes a specialist to know what’s important and what’s required. So, let’s talk about it.

Tips for NIS2 Compliance: What Companies Need to Do - and Will It Work?

The Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2) marks a significant step forward in Europe’s efforts to bolster cybersecurity resilience. Alongside the Critical Entities Resilience Directive, it represents a commitment to ensuring that organisations offering essential services—such as financial services, healthcare, transport, and energy—are equipped to withstand cyber threats.

Mobile Endpoint Security: Why Enhancing EDR for Mobile is Critical

Do you know how secure your organization’s mobile devices are? You may have a handle on your on-premises device and network security, but the rise of remote employee access and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies has created new security challenges. Many organizations rely on endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions to keep their traditional endpoints secure, but these solutions often don’t prioritize mobile endpoint security.