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Election Interference Attacks More than Voting Machines

When election interference is discussed, you probably think of “fake news” social media plots or hacked voting machines that manipulated outcomes. The truth is much more complicated. Election interference can come in many forms and have consequences that last long after an election cycle. Fortunately there are security measures elected officials, campaigns, and anyone with access to voter information can – and should – take to defend against election interference.

Cybersecurity & Formula 1 Racing - It's a Profession

Formula 1 is a serious business. It takes years of expertise and practical foot work to design, build and operate a winning Formula 1 team. It's easy to think that success depends on the car and the technology. But in reality, a cutting edge engine in the best car in the world can’t win a race alone. Without an expert driver and a highly experienced and dedicated support team, you just can’t finish first.

Redefining the Meaning of Operational Risk

The definition of “operational risk” is variable but it generally covers the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. I, however, want to re-examine this general definition, so that the definition of operational risk takes into account all the cybersecurity-related risks that are currently plaguing organizations today. With the current definition, one cannot quantify internal processes and people.

AlienVault Open Threat Exchange Hits Major Milestone with 100,000 Participants

Today, I’m excited to announce that AlienVault® Open Threat Exchange® (OTX™) has grown to 100,000 global participants, representing 36% percent year-over-year growth. AlienVault OTX, launched in 2012, is the world’s first free threat intelligence community that enables real-time collaboration between security researchers and IT security practitioners from around the world.

Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) Description and Functional Components (Part 1)

In the world of globalization, technology is being capitalized in every walk of life. People are transforming their routine works into machine-based automated tasks. The same is happening in the case of cybersecurity. SOAR solution, as one of the most effective cybersecurity solutions, provides security orchestration, automation, and response that help security analysts to manage and respond to numerous alarms at rapid speed.

Cyber super-weapons - what does it take to feel cyber safe?

Even if you don’t work in the cyber-security world, you won’t have failed to notice that businesses of all sizes appear to be getting hacked on a scarily regular basis. These news reports may even help you decide whether to stay with a company or not. For example, if your gas provider experienced a security breach and lost your personal information, would you stick with them, or would you move to a seemingly more secure provider?

4 Key Ways You Can Streamline Algorithm Deployment

Creating the best algorithms can’t be magic; it needs to be a replicable process for your team. What are the critical needs for this to happen? According to Gartner, “Companies will be valued not just on their big data, but on the algorithms that turn that data into actions and impact customers.” This emphasizes the need for organizations to embrace algorithms as the foundation of their business logic.

Improving Incident Response Time With Smarter Network Security Tools

One of the biggest concerns of any cybersecurity analyst is whether or not they will be able to stop an attack before it can do any damage. That said, making sense of the flood of alerts is, in itself, a time-consuming task. As networks become more complex and malicious attacks become more advanced, it can become difficult to hit your incident response targets. With the right network security tools, however, your organization very quickly can detect, prioritize and remediate threats.