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3 ways to fight chargeback fraud with IDV

Chargeback fraud is a growing problem for e-commerce companies, but there are practical ways to mitigate it. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand.

What To Do if You Are a Victim of Fraud

If you are a victim of fraud, you should immediately protect your online accounts with strong passwords, collect evidence of the fraud, report it and freeze your credit. Fraud can occur in many ways, but cybercriminals who commit fraud intend to deceive you to steal money or other valuable information to potentially steal your identity. Think of fraud as an umbrella term for any deceptive act and identity theft as targeting your personal information to impersonate you and commit fraud in your name.

AI vs. AI: Why fighting GenAI fraud requires a multi-layered approach

If The Terminator, The Matrix, and every other cyberpunk series taught us anything, it’s that you can’t fight the machines with machines alone. Daniel Lee is a product manager at Persona who loves collaborating with fellow Personerds! He likes biking around the bay area and exploring 'hole-in-the-wall' restaurants. Daniel Lee is a product manager at Persona who loves collaborating with fellow Personerds! He likes biking around the bay area and exploring 'hole-in-the-wall' restaurants.

Holiday Scam Season: Turning Vulnerabilities into Long-Term Resilience

More transactions, less vigilant consumers, and countless digital impersonators ready to exploit them – for scam-targeted industries and cyber teams, the holiday season is a full-spectrum stress test. Those who pass with flying colors have likely adopted key reinforcements that adapt posture for the era of off-the-shelf social engineering scams assisted by AI. Those that don’t are likely still reliant on outdated solutions and customer education.

Cyber Retail Fraud: A New Twist on an Old Game

People have always been susceptible to a deal that is too good to be true. In the 1800s, American con man George C. Parker was best known for his repeated successes in "selling the Brooklyn Bridge” to the unwary. Then, in the 1900s it became popular to sell "valuable" Florida real estate that turned out to be swampland.

75% of Organizations Have Experienced a Deepfake-Related Attack

As generative AI evolves and becomes a mainstream part of cyber attacks, new data reveals that deepfakes are leading the way. Deepfake technology has been around for a number of years, but the AI boom has sparked new attacks, campaigns, and players all trying to use the impersonation technology to rob victims of their credentials, personal details or money. We recently covered multiple deepfake campaigns all perpetrated by a single individual that reached a global level.

The Job Offer That Wasn't: How We Stopped an Espionage Plot

In cybersecurity, transparency matters—because none of us are immune. Increasingly, we’re seeing threat actors hone in on specific organizations. When we detected the recent “Contagious Interview” campaign targeting one of our own, our team acted fast to stop it in its tracks. We’re sharing this story so others can see how easily these attacks unfold—and how quickly they need to be stopped to protect the community.

The £3 Million Daily Heist

A recent report from UK Finance covered by the BBC paints a concerning picture of the evolving landscape of financial fraud. With a 16% rise in fraud cases and criminals stealing over £3 million daily, it's clear that awareness of cybersecurity threats has never been more crucial. Why Social Engineering Continues to Triumph At the heart of many of these scams is the fact that even the most robust technological defenses can be circumvented by exploiting humans.

Refund fraud: what it is, why it's increasing, and how to stop it

Discover the many ways refund fraud shows up — and learn how to stop it. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand.