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Introduction to OWASP's Vulnerable Node.js Apps: Part 1 | Snyk

Introduction to OWASP's Vulnerable Node.js Apps During this livestream we give an introduction to a vulnerable Node.js application created by the OWASP organization. We also show how some of the OWASP Top 10 security risks apply to web applications, and also how to mitigate these concerns. Didn't catch the live stream? Ask all of your Snyk questions and we’ll do our very best to answer them in the comment section.

Stranger Danger: Your Java Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building Java applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome, you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.

Learn OPA Policy with Guided Examples in Styra Academy

For many OPA users, they find it best to learn by example. That’s why we’re introducing a new Styra Academy Course, “OPA by Example!” For users that want to deepen their policy and Rego knowledge or better operationalize Open Policy Agent (OPA), this free course provides real-world examples to help you on your way.

What Are JWTs?

JSON web tokens (JWTs) are an open standard for securely transmitting data as a JSON object between parties in a compact and self-contained format. Knowledge of JWTs is important because most modern systems and tools use them for secure, efficient and scalable authorization. Knowing about JWTs will also help you understand how third-party integrations with other software work.

Top Five Reasons To Use CloudCasa With Azure

CloudCasa by Catalogic announced the integration with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) at KubeCon in Valencia and it has so far received positive feedback from customers. In this episode of TFiR Let’s Talk, Swapnil Bhartiya sits down with Sathya Sankaran, Founder and General Manager, CloudCasa by Catalogic and Sebastian Głąb, CloudCasa Architect, as they give a demo and explain the key reasons to use CloudCasa to protect AKS Applications.

Popular Cryptocurrency Exchange dYdX Has Had Its NPM Account Hacked

San Francisco-based dYdX, a widely used decentralized crypto exchange with roughly $1 billion in daily trades, has had its NPM account hacked in a software supply chain attack that was likely aimed at gaining access to the company’s production systems. The company, founded by ex-Coinbase and Uber engineer Antonio Juliano, dYdX has raised a total of $87 million in funding over 4 rounds and is backed by some powerhouse investors, including Paradigm, a16z, and Polychain. Here is what we know.

The Critical Element Companies Are Missing in Digital Transformation Journeys

Digital transformation is no longer the exclusive domain of forward-thinking companies on the leading edge of technological advancement. It has become a cost of entry into competitive business. Digital transformation was already accelerating into the mainstream prior to the pandemic, but the jarring shift to remote and hybrid work put fuel in the proverbial jetpacks.