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Google Cloud Platform security monitoring with USM Anywhere

According to a 2019 Cyber Security Report published by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, 93 percent of organizations say they are concerned about cloud security and 28 percent admit to having experienced cloud security incidents during the past year.

Moving to the Cloud: Motivations Behind the Migration

Consider how many times a day you check your mobile phone, smartwatch, smart TV, and/or other connected devices. How normal does it seem to be reaching out to an external source, not actually sure where this information is stored, or even coming from, but that it’s there, accessible and ready to be taken in? Organizations wishing to migrate to a third-party cloud solution (‘the cloud’) need to understand this point well.

The New Sumo Logic AWS Security Quick Start

Security is a top concern for any enterprise to move their applications and workloads to the public cloud. AWS offers a broad selection of native security tools and as our Continuous Intelligence Report noted, AWS customers are using several of these to improve the security of their AWS environment. However, it can be overwhelming to know where to start and how to deploy best practices for detecting security misconfigurations caused by human errors and attacks from external sources.

Security for Cloud Services: IaaS Deep Dive

In this, the final post in my series on considerations for managing your security with cloud services, we will be looking at Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). If you haven’t yet read the previous blog entries about SaaS and PaaS, it’s worth going back to read these first, as much of the thinking associated with these services is also true for IaaS.

Security for Cloud Services: PaaS Deep Dive

Traditional IT organisations have seen significant gains in adopting Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions. In this blog post, the second in a series looking at the ways to adapt your security operations to reflect the new technologies of cloud solutions, we’re going to look at what you should consider when implementing your security controls for a PaaS environment.

Cloud Security Threats: Escaping the Egregious Eleven - Part Two

Depending on your familiarity with the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) publications, part one of this blog was intended as either an introduction or a nagging reminder of the ‘Egregious Eleven’ security threats to cloud computing. It also hopefully made some helpful observations about the first six items on the list. Part two now looks at the remaining five threats, starting with...

Security for Cloud Services: SaaS Deep Dive

As business adoption of cloud services continues to grow at a rapid pace, so does the need to adapt security methods to accommodate the myriad of options. Traditional best practices often still provide a solid foundation from which to build on, but depending upon the technologies you opt to migrate to the cloud, different challenges and solutions need to be explored in order to ensure that your security operations can maintain visibility and control and prevent critical risks and vulnerabilities.

How to Implement an Efficient Cloud Security Strategy: The Experts Guide

According to IBM, 98 percent of companies will be using multiple hybrid cloud environments by 2021. This trend isn’t surprising. There are many benefits to operating in the cloud such as improved productivity, an increase in elasticity and huge cost-savings, to name a few. However, we keep seeing a range of issues when it comes to cloud security.