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OWASP Top 10: API Security Threats

It’s no secret that APIs are under attack. Companies are struggling to keep their APIs safe and secure from accidental breaches to malicious hacks. The problem will only worsen as APIs become more complex and more companies rely on them for critical business functions. The security risks increase exponentially. About Indusface: Indusface is a SaaS company that secures critical Web applications of 2000+ global customers using its award-winning platform that integrates Web application scanner, Web application firewall, CDN, and threat information engine.

Create an API Specification Scan

Traditionally Veracode Dynamic Analysis has targeted applications with a Web user interface. But increasingly, web applications are composed of many small microservices, many of which have Representational State Transfer (REST) interfaces with which the UI layer communicates. With API scanning, you can now scan the APIs of your microservices earlier in the software development process, before they are integrated into a web application.

A Proof-of-Concept for API Caching at Egnyte

As Egnyte’s business and customer base grows, we have an engineering responsibility to provide data quickly and at high availability. In this blog I’ll recap one of those efforts—a proof-of-concept API caching project that serves our large folder listing capabilities and has future applications in other Egnyte services.

Snyk's shift left approach to API development

Snyk’s developer security platform provides developers and security professionals with the tools they need to build and operate modern applications securely. Snyk enables users to shift security left and to embrace a DevSecOps model. Modern application development teams understand that shifting left means bringing information to developers’ fingertips as early as possible in the development process to create efficient and secure applications and development processes.

The 7 key insights from our panel on security and privacy

We recently held a panel discussion with Peak’s Gary Myers, Free Agent’s Richard Grey, Trace’s Sorcha Lorimer, and our own Guillaume Montard to pose the question: “How do you bridge the gap between security and privacy teams?” If you weren’t able to join us, here’s a rundown of the key takeaways that came up during the chat. You can also find an archive of the discussion at the end of this post if you’d love to watch it in its entirety.

Outpost24 Webinar - API security 101 and how to secure your web applications

APIs are a key part of modern web applications and a growing security challenge that isn’t well understood by developers and application security managers, leading to exposed APIs that give hackers access to sensitive data. Find out how to secure your APIs and prevent vulnerabilities from making it into production.

Event: Bridging the data security and privacy gap

Security and privacy are inherently linked, yet decisions about each are often made in silos. It can be a challenge for teams of all sizes, with varied specialities, to connect the two domains. With that in mind, we’re pleased to announce our first live panel event: How do you bridge the gap between data security and privacy?