Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Live API Attack Simulation

“We have an API gateway, and the strong authentication & authorization keeps us secure.” This notion could cost you a databreach, a compliance fine or even application downtime that may erode customer trust. In this webinar, Karthik Krishnamoorthy, CTO and Vivekanand Gopalan, VP of Products at Indusface demonstrate how APIs could be hacked.

Wallarm to Unveil New API Security Solution and Strategic Shift at Black Hat Europe 2023

If you're involved with cybersecurity and are based in Europe, then Black Hat Europe 2023 in London, December 6 and 7 is a must-attend event. Wallarm, the experts in API and Application Security, will be attending the event, and we're excited to connect with you. If you are planning to attend, come by our booth or feel free to schedule a slot to meet with our API and App Security experts.

STEP Program with Bright Security: DAST Solutions and API Testing

We’re all in this together, which is why awareness about APIs and connecting with one another is crucial to cyber security. Salt Security has recently announced our Salt Technical Ecosystem Partner Program which can help demonstrate the role of application security testing when it comes to API security and where it fits in a good API security program.

Panoptica API Security - Introducing AWS API Gateway Support

Introducing AWS API Gateway support in Cisco Panoptica for your security your application’s API communications. This video introduces the gateway support and showcases a few key API security risks that Panoptica can identify in your environment. Outshift is Cisco’s incubation engine, innovating what's next and new for Cisco products and sharing our expertise on emerging technologies. Discover the latest on cloud native applications, cloud application security, generative AI, quantum networking and security, future-forward tech research, our latest open source projects and more.

API Security Standards and Protocols: A Primer

Recent API breaches drive home the urgency of robust security. In the T-Mobile data breach, for example, the attackers exploited vulnerabilities in an API to compromise sensitive customer data. This incident exposed millions of users to potential identity theft and underscored the devastating impact of API security lapses. Infiltrating through the API, the attackers gained unauthorized access to customer records, emphasizing the need for comprehensive protection measures.

Enhancing Developer Experience and Security Reporting on Workflows

In our previous blog post, we introduced Bearer’s new GitHub App and highlighted its seamless onboarding process and on-demand scanning capabilities. Today, we focus on how this app can significantly enhance the developer experience within Pull Requests (PRs) while providing critical reporting capabilities to security teams.

Unpacking the Zimbra Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability (CVE-2023-37580)

On November 16, 2023, a significant security concern was published by Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG). They revealed an alarming vulnerability in Zimbra Collaboration, a widely-used email hosting tool for organizations. This vulnerability, designated with an identifier, CVE-2023-37580, is a glaring example of a reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) issue. It allows malicious scripts to be injected into unsuspecting users' browsers through a deceptively simple method: clicking on a harmful link.

Expanding LimaCharlie with API Integrations

We look at how to utilize API integrations within LimaCharlie. Available in our marketplace, API integrations help enrich telemetry or expose complex D&R rules based on returned metadata. From malware lookups to IP address geolocation, API integrations can help you take your detections to the next level.