Keeper 101 - Custom Fields

Keeper 101 - Custom Fields

Jul 11, 2023

Custom Fields allow you to store additional data within a record, like an account’s security question or a pin number. Additionally, any record created with one of Keeper’s Record Type templates can be further enhanced with various Custom Field options. To learn more about Record Types, visit the link in the description.

Custom Fields are especially useful for login forms that contain more than just the standard username and password fields. For example, a website might ask for the last four digits of your social security number in addition to a username and password. In that case, you can add a Custom Field to the Keeper record labeled “Last 4 digits of SSN” and enter the corresponding value.

Keeper’s Browser Extension, KeeperFill can autofill login forms with additional field types as long as both the website address and Custom Field label of the Keeper record match the URL and input field of the login form.

To add a Custom Field to a new or existing record, click the Custom Field button. Choose from the variety of Custom Field types and enter the corresponding values for each field.

Each Custom Field label can be edited or deleted and if you are creating multiple custom fields, you can drag and drop them in your preferred order.

Keeper can automatically fill Custom Fields into any native application using a set of custom keystrokes with the "Native App Filler" Custom Field type. To learn more, check out our Native App Filler video linked in the description.

Record Types User Guide:

Native App Filler Video:

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