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Cloud Migration: Moving Your Security Mindset Along with Your Data

Migrating our data to the cloud to digitally transform and streamline your IT environment is easier than ever. Cloud security is in a place where it is stronger than on-premise security and The Big Three – AWS, Microsoft, and Google – have more access to resources and personnel than you can ever dream of. For infrastructure security, they’re the best. So why are so many companies still concerned with moving their data to the cloud?

DevOps: 8 Reasons for DevOps to Use a Binary Repository Manager on the Cloud

Cloud DevOps tools offer greater flexibility, rapid deployment, cloud automation, reduced IT costs, and low upfront costs with subscription pricing. Setting up your environment with Artifactory on the cloud on your choice provides unlimited scalability allowing you to grow according to your needs and is easily achieved by using cloud storage providers (Amazon AWS, Google GCP or Microsoft Azure) in your environment with Artifactory.

APMs and Their Impact on API Consumption

Application performance management (APM) software, sometimes known as application performance monitoring software, is a software as a service (SaaS) type that provides you with a variety of ways to analyze and ensure availability within your application. They can give you metrics in areas such as render times, database load, and failed requests. Modern APM tools are mostly drop-in, all-in-one style solutions. Add a dependency and know everything about why your app is slowing down or crashing.

The Circuit Breaker Pattern

How does your application handle failure? Your first level of response might focuses on logging and displaying errors, but it merely captures the problem rather than resolving it. What happens if a vital service is offline or under heavy load? What about simply not performing at the standards you might expect? As your application relies more on services that you don't control, like third-party APIs, the need to handle these variables when they arise becomes more important.

Teleport 4.2 - Enhanced Session Recording, Workflows, and GCP

Teleport 4.2 delivers a strong foundation of new features. We have a full list of improvements and fixes attached to our Teleport 4.2.0 GitHub release. Below are a couple of the highlights. Teleport now provides greater visibility into what’s happening during a Teleport session with our Enhanced Session Recording. We’ve also laid the groundwork for a world of possibilities with our enterprise-only Role Escalation via a Workflows API.

Malware in the Cloud: Protecting Yourself Based on Your Cloud Environment

In some ways, the cloud has made security management easier, as many cloud providers have taken the responsibilities traditionally associated with local server management out of your hands. But in other ways, the security management conversation has become more confusing for decision makers, as “cloud” is a very broadly defined term and could speak to a variety of different technology ecosystems with their own security considerations.

AWS vs. Azure vs. Google - What's the Difference from a Cloud Security Standpoint?

When mainstream cloud computing first began to appear on the horizon, (Amazon launched its Elastic Compute Cloud product in 2006.) many organizations were initially hesitant to entrust their most valuable data and processes to a technological innovation named after something that appears so delicate. Oh, how times have changed.

Logs Are Back-and Other Takeaways from AWS re:Invent

This month Devo exhibited at the AWS re:Invent conference in Las Vegas. I asked a few Devo colleagues who attended the show for their insights about what they heard and saw. Among the many visitors to the Devo booth there were a lot of similar questions about log management and related topics. “There were many log vendors at the show, so people wanted to hear what makes Devo unique,” said Seema Sheth-Voss, vice president, product marketing, for Devo.

Looking to Drive down the Cost of Doing Business? Use Managed Services

Businesses are always looking for ways to control and reduce the cost of doing business as well as gain a competitive advantage over their respective competitors. The constant pressure of doing more with less has introduced many offerings designed to reduce the cost and complexity of the IT/OT infrastructures that support the business. Let’s take a look at some offerings that have been introduced to address these challenges.