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Salt Security Addresses Critical OAuth Vulnerabilities Enhancing API Security with OAuth Protection Package

OAuth is an important part of modern authorization frameworks, granting access to resources across different applications easily. However, vulnerabilities in OAuth implementations can create significant security risks. Following research released by Salt labs that uncovered critical vulnerabilities in the world's most popular authorization mechanism, Salt has released a multi-layered protection package to detect attempts to exploit OAuth and proactively fix the vulnerabilities.

Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Why You Need Security Tailor-Made for Mobile

It's an undeniable truth that significant differences exist across many facets of life. Sports figures like LeBron James and Michael Jordan possess exceptional talent, which has propelled them to accomplish feats that defy human capability. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk's extraordinary business achievements make them the epitome of success and a source of inspiration for many. These examples underscore a crucial point: Some things are just better than others.

The What and Why of Cloud Detection and Response

A recent survey from Gartner forecasts that worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services will total $679 billion in 2024, and that number is expected to jump to $1 trillion in 2027. Businesses left and right are moving to the cloud. But as they make their move, the old ways of protecting data—like building a virtual wall around your data (“perimeter security”)—are proving inadequate.

Cloud-scale Threats Need Cloud Detection and Response

A recent survey from Gartner forecasts that worldwide end-user spending on public cloud services will total $679 billion in 2024, and that number is expected to jump to $1 trillion in 2027. Businesses left and right are moving to the cloud. But as they make their move, the old ways of protecting data—like building a virtual wall around your data (“perimeter security”)—are proving inadequate.

5 Best Open Source Application Security Security Tools in 2024

As cybersecurity becomes increasingly important in software development, the “shift left” security approach is widely recognized as a best practice for ensuring superior application security. Numerous traditional security firms are introducing shift-left products and capabilities, and the concept is gaining traction. However, some open source application security tools are more developer-friendly than others.

AI-driven cyber attacks to be the norm within a year, say security leaders

New research from Netacea reveals 93% of security leaders expect to face daily AI-driven attacks by the end of this year. Ransomware and phishing attacks are expected to be enhanced by offensive AI, but bots remain an underestimated threat. All respondents are benefiting from AI in their security stack, but adoption of bot management is lagging behind.

How API Security Factors into DORA Compliance

Complying with data protection regulations isn’t easy, but it has traditionally involved dealing with familiar risks. For example, do your IT admins have the right amount of access to systems touching sensitive information? Review, remediate, report, and repeat. Compliance has been cumbersome, but workable. The problem is, today’s attack surface is nowhere near workable. And it’s evolving to include threats that most compliance programs aren’t yet accounting for.

Cloud Application Security - Top Threats and Best Practices

Cloud workloads continue to grow as new digital innovations arise monthly in the worlds of IoT applications, cloud services, and big data analytics. However, the cloud's dynamic and often complex nature can make cloud application security challenging. This gap in cloud security readiness is a growing concern for organizations worldwide, with CISOs feeling the pressure. 61% of CISOs feel unequipped to cope with a targeted attack, and 68% expect such an attack within the following year.

AI Revolution in Access Control: Transforming Security with Brivo

Dive into the future of security with Brivo as we explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in access control systems. 🔒💡 In this video, Steve Van Till, a pioneer in smart spaces technology, unveils how AI equips us with advanced toolsets, enabling more efficient and effective security solutions. Discover how Brivo is leading the charge in integrating AI into commercial real estate, multifamily residential, and large enterprises, ensuring unparalleled security automation. 🤖🔑