Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Veriato Vision Intro and Demo

Veriato Vision employee monitoring software lets you record and track all of your employees' activity... so you’ll know if they are working hard or hardly working. Vision gives you granular control over what activities and programs you monitor. Once the Vision software is deployed on the company's PCs, Macs, and Androids, you can remotely monitor by the department, group, or individual. Additionally, you can monitor employees that are off-network or working remotely.

Netwrix Data Classification - Overview

Netwrix Data Classification is a software platform that helps you solve your most critical data security, content optimization and compliance needs, regardless of where your data is located. Every day employees produce tons of data. This skyrocketing data growth causes problems across the organization. Users can’t find the documents they need. Sensitive files get placed on public shares. Data storages reach their limits. It’s harder and harder for you to satisfy requests from your legal and compliance departments. Don’t let this pressure get a hold.

Use Open Source freely without compromising on security or agility

WhiteSource provides a powerful yet simple solution for companies that need to secure and manage their open source components in their applications. As the only enterprise-grade solution that is focused exclusively on open source management, WhiteSource is trusted by the 25 of Fortune 100 companies.

Veracode Full Solution

Veracode helps software companies write secure code on time. Veracode is a SaaS-based, or cloud-based, application security (AppSec) solution. It empowers developers to write secure code with real-time feedback in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and provides security professionals with the tools and analytics to scale their programs and report on key metrics. Veracode’s solution comprises multiple scan types including static analysis (SAST), dynamic analysis (DAST), software composition analysis (SCA), interactive analysis (IAST), and penetration testing.

Veracode Static Analysis Solution

Veracode, a SaaS-based application security (AppSec) provider, offers multiple scan types including static analysis (SAST), dynamic analysis (DAST), software composition analysis (SCA), interactive analysis (IAST), and penetration testing. Veracode’s Static Analysis solution builds security into each phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) with an IDE Scan, Pipeline Scan, and Policy Scan. The scans provide fast, automated feedback to help developers secure code and remediate vulnerabilities. Teams can incorporate Veracode into their tooling with more than 30 out-of-the-box integrations, plus application programming interfaces (APIs), and code samples.