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Where is Your Center of the Universe for Business Content?

Five hundred years ago, astronomers believed the Earth was at the center of the universe. They calculated the orbits of the planets, the sun, and other stars based on this truth. Turns out, these calculations were not very accurate and astronomers had to repeatedly and incorrectly model their equations to conform with this truth. That was until Nicolaus Copernicus challenged the premise of the Earth at the center of the universe and posited the Sun to be at the center of the solar system.

Cloud Security vs. Network Security: Which is Best for your SME?

Being in cybersecurity line of business and being aware of the issues faced by multiple small to mid-sized businesses, we often come across various jargon which may be unclear to some. One of the most common questions for SMEs is should they focus on cloud security or network security. It is hard for SMEs to prioritise their security budget and find affordability with security. To make an informed decision, it’s important to understand the options.

I Am Devo

In their debut LP, Q: Are We Not Men? A: We Are Devo!, the band introduces their defining theme that mankind’s evolution has reached the point—devolved to the point, actually—that we are converging on sameness… emotionless and robotic. This notion informed everything from the way Devo dressed (awesome!), to the music they wrote, to the way they performed. What does the band Devo’s theme of devolution have to do with me joining a software company of the same name?

Redscan Ethical Hacking Roundtable: key insights for 2021

Redscan’s 2021 Ethical Hacking Roundtable event explored critical vulnerabilities and other key issues facing security teams. The roundtable panel featured George Glass, Head of Threat Intelligence at Redscan, Tom Tervoort, who discovered and disclosed Zerologon, Dr Elizabeth Bruton, Curator of Technology and Engineering at the Science Museum and Dinis Cruz, CTO and CISO of Glasswall and OWASP Project Lead. Key insights from the panel included.

Coralogix - Panel Discussion: Elasticsearch is Not Open Source Anymore

Does SSPL license endanger your intellectual property? As of January 2021, Elasticsearch is no longer open source. From version 7.11 and onwards, all ELK products (Elastic, Logstash, Kibana) will be registered under the new SSPL license created by Mongo and now adopted by Elastic. In this panel, our IP expert lawyer discusses the new license and helps explain whether it impacts your business or puts it at risk.

Datadog achieves FedRAMP Moderate Impact authorization

As government agencies accelerate migrating their operations to the cloud, they need to adhere to strict compliance and security standards. The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) provides the standard that these agencies—and their private-sector partners—must meet to work and manage federal data safely in the cloud.

JavaScript cybersecurity threats

JavaScript is a very useful programming language. Netscape developers invented JavaScript in 1995, and it revolutionized the web. Before JavaScript, webpages could pretty much only contain text, images, and hyperlinks. JavaScript empowered web developers to make webpages interactive, dynamic rather than static. Think of picture menus that animated when your mouse cursor went over it, and applets that could give you your local weather forecast or tell you which web browser you’re using.

Detectify's ISO 27001 certification use case and guide for SaaS companies

A SaaS start-up can only go so far before it’s time to consider certifications and compliance standards for advancement. But let’s make it clear that at Detectify, we don’t see compliance as security. If you’re stuck in between the two right now, here’s our use case for getting ISO 27001 certification and how we made it work for Detectify, a SaaS-based web application security scale-up that has its fair share of passionate security defenders aboard!

Goodbye, 2020! Lookout, 2021

Like most people, I am not at all sad to see 2020 go. It introduced unique pressures that challenged all of us in different ways. As snykers, I believe we have emerged stronger. Throughout the year, our global team—alongside our partners and customers—reached so many impressive milestones, made that much sweeter due to the headwinds we all faced in achieving them. Ending the fiscal year, Snyk: Yes—two acquisitions.

Forward Fix: Use Case for Network Query Engine Library

Technical Solutions Architect, Kevin Kuhls demonstrates a use case for Forward Enterprise's Network Query Engine (NQE) Library. Watch as he finds all BGP neighborships that are not in the established state without tediously logging into each router or writing complex scripting. Across all vendors and locations, Forward Enterprise models all the devices and NQE allows you to grab the data you want.