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Vanta announces enhanced Access Reviews solution

Vanta is thrilled to announce an enhanced Access Reviews solution. Thousands of customers already use Vanta’s existing access reporting to help demonstrate compliance during audits, reduce risk, and build a strong compliance and security posture. But now it’s leveled-up in a big way. ‍ The enhanced Access Reviews solution is currently in beta and available for purchase.

What is a SOC 2 readiness assessment?

A SOC 2 readiness assessment is a final look at your organization’s documents, policies, processes, and vulnerabilities before your formal audit takes place. This is a crucial phase of SOC 2 compliance because your auditor will be using these materials in depth to assess your control environment. ‍ A SOC 2 readiness assessment provides answers to questions such as: ‍ ‍ Before we dive deeper into readiness assessments, here’s a quick primer on SOC 2 audits.