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Three expert tips for cultivating secure software development practices

We often hear about the importance of DevSecOps — integrating security into DevOps processes. But as many security professionals know, it’s not nearly as easy as it sounds. Cultivating secure software development practices requires working alongside developers with varying opinions, priorities, and idiosyncrasies. And any process involving humans is complicated. So, how do today’s security teams overcome these challenges and make secure software development practices a reality?

Scam Scanner: AppWork is a legit platform

In today's digital age, fraud and scams on the Internet are becoming increasingly common, making it difficult for users to distinguish genuine platforms from fraudulent ones. In this article, we want to talk about AppWork and explain why it is a legitimate platform. Whether you are a novice user or have been using AppWork for a long time, this article is for you.

Open source software: A pillar of modern software development

Open source software provides companies with a competitive edge but when used incorrectly, it can lead to risks in the software supply chain. Today’s modern software applications simply would not exist, or be as powerful, without the use of open source software (OSS). Developers design open source software with source code that is accessible for anyone to use, modify, and learn from, and they release the code with specific licensing rights.

Forrester Research: Show, Don't Tell, Your Developers How To Write Secure Code

If you’re a CISO, VP of Security, or a Staff Security Engineer and still wondering whether your developers own the keys to application security, this Forrester report is for you. Get your complimentary copy now, courtesy of GitGuardian.

Developer-first Security sucks! Why is it essential to automate product security?

Security teams focus on planning secure IT environments, but developers are asked to focus on productivity while they are also tasked with implementing these security plans. The main issue is that developers are often left out of security planning processes, creating a strained relationship between these two teams.