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Top 5 PII Data Masking Techniques: Pros, Cons, and Best Use Cases

Protecting sensitive information has never been more critical, especially in today’s AI-driven world. As businesses increasingly leverage AI and advanced analytics, safeguarding Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Patient Health Information (PHI) is paramount. Data masking has become a cornerstone strategy, allowing organizations to securely manage and analyze data while significantly reducing the risks of exposure and misuse.

181 Key Cybersecurity Statistics: Vulnerabilities, Exploits, and Their Impact for 2025

As we enter 2025, the cybersecurity statistics from 2024 and previous years reveal a critical landscape of evolving threats, from a surge in vulnerabilities to increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks. This blog delves into the latest cybersecurity data, exploring trends like zero-day exploits, and unpatched vulnerabilities, to help you craft a proactive strategy for 2025 cybersecurity challenges.

Preventing WAF Bypass: How AppTrana Protects Origin Servers with Resilient Architecture

A recent discovery by reveals critical vulnerabilities in web application firewalls (WAFs) from providers like Akamai and Cloudflare. Misconfigured origin validation allows attackers to bypass WAF protections and directly access backend servers, creating opportunities for data breaches, DDoS attacks, and more. While most WAF vendors offer IP whitelisting as a solution, implementing it presents significant challenges such as.

Maximizing Security Data in Splunk with Tripwire's New App

In today’s data-driven world, collecting information is just the beginning. The real value lies in transforming raw data into actionable insights that drive decisions. For enterprise security, this means making data not only accessible but also organized, relevant, and easy to analyze.

Have I Been Pwned? 8 Ways to Protect Your Emails

Are you worried that your email has become one of over 14 million in a data breach? Then worry no longer! This article will give you all the advice to secure your email account, prevent your email from being leaked online, and minimize the risks of phishing, ransomware, and other cyber threats. The first step you will need to take in a have I been pwned situation is to check if your email has been exposed in a data breach.

Quick Learn: Four Capabilities of PAM

In this edition, Rom discusses four essential capabilities to consider when using a solution to manage cloud privileges and access to resources. He emphasizes the importance of visibility across all cloud access, planning for scale upfront, speaking the language of both security and DevOps, and ensuring easy onboarding and fast adoption. These four points are a great starting point for making the right PAM buying decision.

DR Guide for Humans: Keys to Understanding MDR, EDR, NDR, XDR (PART 1)

Over the past decade, Detection and Response (DR) solutions have advanced substantially to address the constantly evolving sophistication of cyberattacks. Malicious actors have perfected techniques to evade traditional defenses, making detection and response solutions key requisites in a robust cybersecurity strategy.

Turning Security Insights into Action with Bitsight's New Jira Integration

Enterprise security is a job that is never truly done. Success comes down to prioritizing high-impact activities, executing them efficiently, and adapting as new information emerges. Bitsight Security Performance Management (SPM) is the centerpiece of this lifecycle for many organizations. It helps security teams understand their external attack surface in detail and make data-driven decisions about how to apply their limited resources most effectively.

Cato Networks Expands Platform to Deliver the Industry's First SASE-native IoT/OT Security Solution

Today, Cato Networks introduced Cato IoT/OT Security, the industry’s first SASE-native IoT/OT security solution. Cato IoT/OT Security extends SASE-based protection into IoT/OT environments, improving visibility and security while reducing complexity. Cato IoT/OT Security is a native feature in the Cato SASE Cloud Platform. It allows enterprises to instantly activate the new solution with a click of a button. No additional hardware or software needs to be installed or configured.