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The Benefits & Features of SIEM Compliance to Build a Secure Business

Factors such as scalability, budget, and security must be considered for businesses considering their cloud storage and data management needs. Still, one of the most crucial factors that must be accounted for is what compliance standards must be met. Compliance with GDPR, HIPPA, SIEM, or other bodies ensures the organization adheres to legal, regulatory, and industry standards that are met to protect sensitive data.

Why Companies Need to Extend Penetration Testing to OT Environments

As companies continue to integrate their operational technology (OT) and IT environments, they’re coming to grips with the fact that this move opens them up to new avenues for cyber threats. The solution is multi-faceted, but one aspect is clear: combining OT and IT requires extending offensive security measures, such as penetration testing, to the OT environment.

Understanding OSS security, quality, and license risks in Black Duck SCA | Black Duck

In this video, we unveil the three fundamental views of Software Composition Analysis (SCA) risk within Black Duck: Security, License, and Operational. Join us as we navigate the landscape of open source components to identify vulnerabilities, license obligations, and component health. Key Insights: Explore how Black Duck provides unparalleled visibility into your open-source components, empowering you to make informed decisions regarding vulnerabilities, license compliance, and component health.

Tax-Themed Phishing Campaign Delivers Malware Via Microsoft Management Console Files

Securonix warns that tax-themed phishing emails are attempting to deliver malware via Microsoft Management Console (MSC) files. “The attack likely starts with either a phishing email link or attachment,” the researchers explain.

Proofpoint DLP vs. Trellix DLP: The 2025 Showdown

Proofpoint DLP provides comprehensive cloud-based data protection, making it a solid choice for companies that require cloud-first strategies. Trellix DLP, on the other hand, is better suited for modern enterprises that require robust protection with both on-premises and hybrid deployment options. In this article, we’ll analyze both platforms in-depth and see how they compare.

Breaking Through Barriers: Cato's Solution for Seamless China Connectivity

Enterprises expanding their operations often face the challenge of also ensuring seamless and secure connectivity in China, a critical market with unique regulatory and network challenges. Businesses entering this vast market often face three primary obstacles: These challenges can hinder productivity, stall digital transformation, and overwhelm IT teams. The question is clear: how can enterprises achieve secure, seamless, and compliant connectivity in this complex digital environment?

Building a Security Data Lake Strategy

The high volumes of security data that cloud environments generate leave security teams swimming in data, but many feel like they need a life preserver to improve their incident response capabilities. Enter security data lakes. As the costs associated with data retention become overwhelming, organizations are embracing the idea of security data lakes and data warehouses.