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What We Learned From "The Cyber-Resilient CEO" Report

In today's digital landscape, cybersecurity is not just a technical concern; it's a strategic imperative. As we delve into the insights from a recent report from Accenture titled "The Cyber-Resilient CEO," we'll uncover CEOs' critical role in safeguarding their organizations against cyber threats. Discover how a select group of leaders navigates the complex terrain of cyber vulnerabilities, making cybersecurity a cornerstone of business resilience.

Massive Surge in Security Breaches of Pensions Prompt Questions

A recent report from RPC has revealed that cybersecurity breaches in UK pension schemes increased by 4,000% from 2021/22 to 2022/23. Understandably, the announcement has raised serious concerns about the efficacy of financial service organization’s cybersecurity programmes.

Container Security Essentials: Vulnerability Scanning and Change Detection Explained

Containers offer a streamlined application deployment and management approach. Thanks to their efficiency and portability, platforms like Docker and Kubernetes have become household names in the tech industry. However, a misconception lurks in the shadows as containers gain popularity - the belief that active vulnerability scanning becomes redundant once containers are implemented.

A Scary Story of Group Policy Gone Wrong: Accidental Misconfigurations

In the world of cybersecurity, insider threats remain a potent and often underestimated danger. These threats can emanate not only from malicious actors within an organization but also from well-intentioned employees who inadvertently compromise security with a mis-click or other unwitting action.

Phony Corsair job vacancy targets LinkedIn users with DarkGate malware

Job hunters should be on their guard. Researchers at security firm WithSecure have described how fake job opportunities are being posted on LinkedIn with the intent of spreading malware. A Vietnamese cybercrime gang is being blamed for a malware campaign that has seen bogus adverts posted on LinkedIn, pretending to be related to jobs at computer memory and gaming accessories firm Corsair.

Security in the Property Industry: Challenges and How to Avoid Attacks

In recent years, there has been a major ongoing trend toward more digital infrastructure and an increased dependence on technology across a wide variety of sectors. In the property industry, this has manifested heavily in the growth of the property technology (PropTech) market. These developments have had a serious impact on the sector, enabling advances that both improve existing processes and add new features to real estate transactions.

What you should know about VPN audits

The main reasons internet users choose to use a virtual private network (VPN) are to protect their online identity and bypass geo-restrictions. Cybercrime is on the rise and is expected to grow each year – the largest breach of 2023 so far occurred on Twitter. For those who reside in countries where internet freedom is lacking, a VPN is necessary to access certain content, and privacy is crucial. The rise in cybercrime has resulted in increased supply and demand in the VPN market.

The growth of APIs attracts Cybercrime: How to prepare against cyber attacks

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have profoundly transformed the internet's fabric. In the pre-API era, digital interactions were limited by siloed systems functioning in isolation. APIs dismantled these barriers by introducing a universal language that diverse applications could comprehend. This linguistic bridge facilitated an unprecedented level of interconnectivity between software entities.

Blockchain Security: Understanding vulnerabilities and mitigating risks

In recent years, blockchain technology has garnered significant attention thanks to its remarkable tamper-proof features and robust security. It is also expected that the blockchain technology market will exceed 1.2 billion US dollars by 2030, with an annual growth rate of 82.8 percent. However, recent headlines have exposed numerous vulnerabilities and cyberattacks targeting blockchain technology.