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Secure Access Control in 2024: 6 Trends to Watch Out For

Secure access control, part of the broader field of user management, is a key concept in the realm of information security, particularly in the business environment. It refers to the process of selectively restricting and allowing access to a place or resource. In the context of information technology, it is a vital element of data protection, dictating who or what can view or use specific resources in a computing environment.

How Does IoT Contribute to Real-Time Grid Monitoring for Enhanced Stability and Fault Detection?

More decision-makers are investing in grid modernization efforts, knowing that doing so is necessary for keeping pace with modern demands. For example, smart grid fault-detection sensors could warn utility company providers of problems in real time, preventing costly and inconvenient outages. Technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) can also improve stability. An IoT grid-monitoring approach allows authorized parties to oversee electrical infrastructure from anywhere.

A Simplified Overview of the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

In the world of cybersecurity, have you ever wondered about the inner workings of threat actors as they attempt to breach systems, their methods, tactics, and strategies, and how they seamlessly converge to execute a successful attack? It's not merely about initiating an attack but also the strategies they utilize to remain concealed within the system, allowing them to persistently operate and ultimately achieve their goals.

Cloud Watching Report: Key Takeaways

The capabilities of cloud computing have changed the digital landscape significantly, and the popularity of cloud solutions only continues to increase. According to Gartner, the market for public cloud services is expected to surpass 700 billion USD by the end of 2024. The growth of cloud technologies presents a wealth of new opportunities for IT teams but also brings a host of security challenges.

Key Highlights from the 2023 UK Cyber Crime Landscape

It’s 2023, and the landscape of cybercrime in the United Kingdom is evolving unprecedentedly. This year's cyber threat landscape is shaped by many factors, from the continuing effects of the global pandemic to the ever-expanding digital footprint of individuals and organizations. In this article, we delve into the key cybercrime statistics for 2023, providing you with valuable insights into the state of cybersecurity in the UK.

Some Financial Institutions Must Report Breaches in 30 Days

The heat has just been turned up for companies hoping to “hide out” a data breach. Announced October 27th, all non-banking financial institutions are now required to report data breach incidents within 30 days. The amendment to the Safeguards Rule was made by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It will go into effect 180 days after publication of the law in the Federal Register, or around April of next year.

Looking Ahead: Highlights from ENISA's Foresight 2030 Report

One of the most important factors in the technology and cybersecurity industries is the inevitable presence of constant change. Technology, business, and industry are always evolving, while cybercriminals are always searching for new and innovative ways to attack. While there is no surefire way to account for future developments, some professionals have dedicated time and expertise to predicting the ways in which the current threat landscape and state of technology may lead to issues down the line.

Google introduces real-time scanning on Android devices to fight malicious apps

It doesn't matter if you have a smartphone, a tablet, a laptop, or a desktop computer. Whatever your computing device of choice, you don't want it impacted by malware. And although many of us are familiar with the concept of protecting our PCs and laptops with security software that aims to identify attacks in real-time, it's not a defence that is as widely adopted on mobile devices.