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NCSC Active Cyber Defence Report 2019: Evidence Based Vulnerability Management

On 16 July 2019, UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) released the second annual report of the Active Cyber Defence (ACD) program. The report seeks to show the effects that the program has on the security of the UK public sector and the wider UK cyber ecosystem.

How Will Brexit Affect Cybersecurity for UK Organizations?

As a vendor, Tripwire gets asked a lot of questions from customers and potential clients about how developments in the wider world might affect digital security. One of those forces that’s on everyone’s mind is Brexit. Representatives from some of our potential customers as well as our existing clients are asking us what to focus on and what to do. Specifically, they’re wondering how Brexit will affect their digital security efforts in general.

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places - AKA, the Cyber Security Talent Shortage

The subject of the cyber security talent shortage has been over-reported to the extent that no one wants to talk about it anymore. Even more than that, the only solution that really ever gets mentioned is developing more university cyber programs. But that solution is dead wrong—or at least it misses the crux of the issue completely.

Governors Association Says States Need Cyber Disruption Response

On July 11, 2019, the National Governors Association released a new publication on the topic of cyber disruption response plans across America. The report examines state cyber disruption response plans, providing recommendations for state officials who want to create or review their own response plans.

Using AWS Session Manager with Enhanced SSH and SCP Capability

Amazon Web Services recently announced new capabilities in the AWS Systems Manager Session Manager. Users are now capable of tunneling SSH (Secure Shell) and SCP (Secure Copy) connections directly from a local client without the need for the AWS management console. For years, users have relied on firewalls and bastion hosts in order to securely access cloud assets, but these options have security and management overhead tradeoffs.

The 4 Questions Industrial CISOs Need to Ask When Evaluating a Cybersecurity Tool

Cybersecurity is finally reaching the shop floor in earnest thanks to new technology that works with—not against—the legacy equipment that runs most industrial control systems (ICS). That being said, industrial companies and organizations in sectors like manufacturing, energy, utilities, transportation and water treatment can be slow to adapt to the new cybersecurity tools at their disposal because they present a new way of operating in an industry that’s set in its ways.

Six System and Software Vulnerabilities to Watch Out for in 2019

Wouldn’t it be an easier life if we didn’t have to worry about the exploitation of vulnerabilities in solutions and software on which we have spent good time and resources? A world where correctly configured systems configured were left alone to perform their functions until they became redundant and/or needed replacing? It is a beautiful dream. Sadly, it’s also a highly unrealistic one.

Cybersecurity Quick Tips: Kai Roer on What Security Professionals Need to Focus on Now

The way your organization handles employee security training can have a huge impact on the success of your security program. Kai Roer, award-winning specialist on security cultures and behaviors, shares his perspective on this and more of today’s most pressing cybersecurity issues—from hackers and threats to security and protection.For more cybersecurity tips, trends and insights, visit, or follow us on Twitter: @TripwireInc.

Cybersecurity Quick Tips: How to Get Started in Cybersecurity with Kai Roer

Interested in a job in cybersecurity but don’t know where to start? Kai Roer, award-winning specialist on security cultures and behaviors, shares his number one tip for starting a career in cybersecurity.For more cybersecurity tips, trends and insights, visit, or follow us on Twitter: @TripwireInc.

Multi-Cloud Security Best Practices Guide

A multi-cloud network is a cloud network that consists of more than one cloud services provider. A straightforward type of multi-cloud network involves multiple infrastructure as a service (IaaS) vendors. For example, you could have some of your cloud network’s servers and physical network provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), but you’ve integrated that with your servers and physical networking that’s provided by Microsoft Azure.