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Building on the IAM Benefits of SSO with MFA and Privileged Access Management

In part one of this post, we talked about why identity access management (IAM) is important. In that discussion, we identified three types of IAM: We discussed the different types of single sign on and some examples of what can be used to help streamline the user experience. Let’s now discuss how you can pair single sign on with other two types of identity access management.

The Importance of Implementing an Information Security Policy That Everyone Understands

Information security (IS) and/or cybersecurity (cyber) are more than just technical terms. They’re the processes, practices and policy that involve people, services, hardware, and data. In particular, IS covers how people approach situations and whether they are considering the “what if’s” of malicious actors, accidental misuse, etc. I’m not sure about your operations teams, but no one in any of mine, myself included, were able to read minds.

The MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Command and Control

Most malware these days has some level of Command and Control. This can be to exfiltrate data, tell the malware what instructions to execute next, or download encryption keys in the case of ransomware. In each case of command and control, the attacker is accessing the network from a remote location. Having insight into what is happening on the network is going to be crucial in addressing these techniques.

How ExpertOps Can Help You Address the Infosec Skills Gap

Are you struggling to hire skilled digital security talent in 2020? If so, you’re not alone. According to a Tripwire study on the infosec skills gap, 82% of security experts said that their teams were understaffed; nearly the same proportion (83%) indicated that they were feeling more overworked going into 2020 than they were a year prior.

Three New Ways Tripwire Enterprise Can Help Monitor Ephemeral Assets in Dynamic Cloud Environments

Moving applications and infrastructure to the cloud offers a degree of flexibility and scalability that can be a boon to almost any organization. Having continuous software and asset availability in cloud environments with elastic, as-needed infrastructure is extremely valuable. Sharing security responsibilities with a cloud service provider can even unburden security and IT teams to a degree.

Final Version of NIST SP 1800-23 Guides Identification of Threats to OT Assets

In September 2019, the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the release of a draft practice guide entitled, “NIST Special Publication (SP) 1800-23: Energy Sector Asset Management.” The NCCoE spent the next two months collecting comments from the public to improve their guide. They then used this feedback to improve upon their initial draft. But the wait is finally over.

Why NHS, UK Healthcare Orgs Need to Boost Their Security in Age of COVID-19

All National Health Service (NHS) and social care organisations in the United Kingdom have always been and will always be a target for bad actors. The nature of their business and the sensitive data they hold make these entities appealing to bad actors who know that legacy systems, and/or, not regularly patched systems, such as those employed by healthcare organizations are easy to penetrate.