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The Biggest Challenges and Best Practices to Mitigate Risks in Maritime Cybersecurity

Ships are increasingly using systems that rely on digitalization, integration, and automation, which call for cyber risk management on board. As technology continues to develop, the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) onboard ships and their connection to the Internet creates an increased attack surface that needs to be addressed.

Downtime Should Never Be Unplanned

After the onset of Covid-19, organizations pivoted quickly from a fixed, traditional kind of infrastructure to a virtual, distributed one to support remote workers and enable social distancing. The nature of stop-gap responses to this crisis opens your organization up to more risk, less resiliency and redundancy. How are you going to make sure your flexible architecture and dispersed teams can deal with penetrations, loss of connectivity and other outages? Now, more than ever, comprehensive governance across all of your infrastructure—in both IT and OT networks—is essential.

FBI Releases Flash Alert on Netwalker Ransomware

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) released a flash alert in which it warned organizations about the dangers of Netwalker ransomware. On July 28, the FBI revealed in Flash Alert MI-000130-MW that it had received notifications of attacks involving Netwalker against U.S. and foreign government organizations along with entities operating in the healthcare and education sectors.

Cybersecurity Baseline for IoT Device Manufacturers

The pervasive impact of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on our lives is greater than that of traditional IT devices. There are several unknowns in IoT security, and it raises concerns for customers who are looking to incorporate IoT devices in their existing infrastructure. Fortunately, security by design can resolve some of the major root causes of the underlying vulnerabilities in these connected devices.

Effective Threat Intelligence Through Vulnerability Analysis

Vulnerabilities are weaknesses leveraged by adversaries to compromise the confidentiality, availability or integrity of a resource. The vulnerability ecosystem has matured considerably in the last few years. A significant amount of effort has been invested to capture, curate, taxonomize and communicate the vulnerabilities in terms of severity, impact and complexity of the associated exploit or attack.

Social Engineering: Hacking Brains...It's Easier than Hacking Computers

The audience in the room is weirdly quiet. The contestant is in a small plexiglass booth with nothing but a phone, a laptop computer and some notes. On a set of speakers outside, the booth broadcasts the sounds of a dial tone as a woman on the stage begins to dial a number. It is apparent she is not phoning a friend. The dial tone changes to a ring tone, and moments later, the other end picks up. “Hello… IT department.

Phishers Using Fake Sharepoint Messages to Target Office 365 Details

Phishers leveraged fake automated messages from collaborative platform Sharepoint as a means to target users’ Office 365 credentials. Abnormal Security found that the phishing campaign began with an attack email that appeared to be an automated message from Sharepoint. To add legitimacy to this ruse, the attackers used spoofing techniques to disguise the sender as Sharepoint. They also didn’t address the email to a single employee but included multiple mentions of the targeted company.

How Cloud Mitigation Techniques Can Help Prevent Ransomware and Phishing Attacks

The COVID-19 pandemic revealed flaws in the American healthcare system that were always there. The only difference now is that those flaws have been brought to light. In the wake of the pandemic, a new host of cyberattacks occurred within the healthcare sector. Malicious hackers aimed to take advantage of the crisis with a combination of misinformation campaigns and ransomware.

Using Good Cyber Practices to Frame your Personal Cyber Narrative

Someone in my Twitter timeline wrote a post that resonated with me. Instead of advocating the idea of our firms mandating what we can and cannot do in our homes as working from home (WFH) standards, she said how gracious it was for us to let the firms into our home environments where we had already made investments in how and where we wanted to work in our personal space. So much of what we do daily in our personal ecosphere requires authentication.