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Survey: 76% of IT Pros Say It's Difficult to Maintain Security Configs in the Cloud

Cloud misconfigurations are no laughing matter. In its “2020 Cloud Misconfigurations Report,” DivvyCloud revealed that 196 separate data breaches involving cloud misconfigurations had cost companies a combined total of approximately $5 trillion between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2019. The problem is that those costs could be even higher; as reported by ZDNet, 99% of IaaS issues go unreported.

Google App Engine, Azure App Service Abused in Phishing Campaign

A phishing campaign abused both the Google App Engine and the Azure App Service to steal victims’ Microsoft Outlook credentials. Netskope observed that the attack campaign started with a shortened link distributed by a phishing email. This link redirected a recipient of the email to a Google App Engine domain.

Cybercriminals Are Infiltrating Netgear Routers with Ancient Attack Methods

It would be heartening to think that cybersecurity has advanced since the 1990s, but some things never change. Vulnerabilities that some of us first saw in 1996 are still with us. If you don’t believe me, just take a look at the news. Last month, Virginia-based cybersecurity firm GRIMM announced that they had found a vulnerability that affects many Netgear home WiFi routers. The cause? Outdated firmware that allows remote users to access the administrative systems in these routers.

New Agent Tesla Variants Capable of Stealing Data from VPNs, Browsers

Some new variants of the Agent Tesla infostealer family are capable of stealing data from multiple VPN clients and web browsers. SentinelOne observed that attackers continue to deploy Agent Tesla across various stages of their operations, as this malware enables criminals with even low levels of technical expertise to manipulate and manage their victims’ infected devices.

The Importance of Content for Security Tools like Tripwire

Have you ever stood in the airport security line when the agents bring the dog out to inspect everyone’s luggage? I’m always so fascinated watching the dog go down the line and do her work. Wow she’s so smart! How does she know what to look for? My own dog has talents of her own, but she would not get hired for this job. She has a good functioning nose, but she’s not trained to detect these things and wouldn’t be able to tell me when she finds something troublesome.

The State of Civil Aviation Cybersecurity

Technology and cyber systems have become essential components of modern society. Despite the benefit of cyber technologies, insecurities arise. These could affect all systems and infrastructures. More than that, the threat of a cyberattack could very well have a transnational component and effect as worldwide systems become increasingly interconnected.

The Center for Internet Security (CIS) Use Cases and Cost Justification

Vince Lombardi, the famous football coach, used to start his training camp each season with a talk about doing the basics. He’d tell the players that they start with the basics, then he’d take a football and hold it up and tell them, “This is a football.” In football, as in life and IT Security, starting with the basics is the most important step you can take. Don’t assume anything. So, let us begin with the basics. CIS is the Center for Internet Security.

Tripwire Research: IoT Smart Lock Vulnerability Spotlights Bigger Issues

The mechanical lock is perhaps the most fundamental, tangible, and familiar layer of security in our daily lives. People lock their doors with the expectation that these locks will keep the bad people out, but there’s a common adage in the security industry that locks are only good at keeping honest people honest. This is perhaps truer than ever in the era of the IoT “smart lock” where lock picks and bump keys can often be replaced by scripts and sniffers.

National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA): What You Need to Know

In its Vision 2030 development plan, Saudi Arabia included a National Transformation Program whose purpose is to diversify the Kingdom’s income away from the oil industry. One of the core tenets of that program is to enable the growth of the private sector by developing the digital economy. Specifically, Saudi Arabia set out its intention to increase the contribution of the digital economy that’s non-oil GDP from 2% to 3% by 2030.

Secure Remote Access: Why It's Important and How to Do It Right

COVID-19 forced organizations all over the world to transition their employees to a work-from-home policy. That change came at a time when organizations’ connected infrastructure is more complex than ever. Such complexity doesn’t just extend across IT environments, either. Indeed, machines and production processes are also becoming increasingly complex as organizations with OT environments seek to address the challenges of the 21st century.