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Building a Security Alliance with Your Cloud Partners

As more infrastructure is moved to the cloud, there are many opportunities to reconsider your security stance and relationships to build ever stronger and more secure IT solutions whilst reducing your security costs. In this post, I’m looking to explore some ways that you can build out your alliances to be better prepared and battle-worthy on the digital security war front.

3 Steps to Building a Resilient Incident Response Plan

According to the Accenture State of Cybersecurity 2020 report, the average cost of a cyber attack for ‘non-leaders’ stands at $380,000 per incident. The report classifies organizations into ‘leaders’ and ‘non-leaders.’ The ‘leaders’ are those who set the bar for innovation and achieve high-performing cyber resilience. Given the rate of cyber attacks today, a security breach can easily run a non-resilient business into a major loss.

N-Day Vulnerabilities: How They Threaten Your ICS Systems' Security

In the last quarter of 2019, researchers at ClearSky uncovered an attack operation that they dubbed the “Fox Kitten Campaign.” Iranian actors used this offensive to gain persistent access into the networks of dozens of companies operating in Israel and around the world across the IT, telecommunication, oil and gas, aviation, government and security sectors. These individuals were successful in their efforts because they employed a variety of attack vectors.

Ordell Robbie, Tripwire and Security Configuration Management.

Is this Jackie Brown or is it Tripwire? The reality is, it’s both. This is a powerful scene in Jackie Brown because it illustrates what Tripwire is all about in making sure that a golden image can be maintained via secure configuration management. But how would you know if it was changed?

5 Essential Steps to Improve Cybersecurity Maturity

From small- and medium-sized organizations to large enterprises, every business is under continuous threat of security risk in today’s digital world. With the growing digital footprint and cloud adoption, organizations continue to experience sophisticated cyberthreats that hold the potential to disrupt business continuity. A vast majority of these threats can go undetected, or they can be detected too late for an organization to avoid the exposure and the associated risks.

How Containers Support the IT-OT Convergence

The worlds of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) are colliding. In July 2019, cited a survey finding where 82% of respondents told Forrester and Nozomi Networks that their organizations were in the early stages of an IT-OT convergence. Some said their organizations were embracing this meeting more fully. This finding begs several questions. Why are IT and OT converging?

4 Considerations for a Secure Cloud Environment

Digital attackers are increasingly turning their attention to the cloud. According to the 2020 Trustwave Global Security Report, the volume of attacks targeting cloud services more than doubled 7% in 2018 to 20% a year later. This growth made cloud services the third most-targeted environment after corporate and e-commerce at 54% and 22%, respectively. These trends highlight the need for organizations to secure their cloud environments.

How to Best Secure the Industrial Network for EMEA Organizations

You don’t have to search very far in the news to see stories of websites being hacked and customer details being stolen. Stories about incidents involving industrial control systems (ICSes) and operational technology (OT) environments aren’t so common. But they are prevalent. Just the other week, for example, an airline company sent out an email letting me know that their database had been hacked and that my travel details might have been taken.

Australia Proposes Security Law to Protect Critical Infrastructure Against Cyber Attacks

The Australian Government is committed to protecting the essential services all Australians rely on by uplifting the security and resilience of critical infrastructure. Increasingly interconnected and interdependent critical infrastructure is delivering efficiencies and economic benefits to operations.