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The 10 Most Common Website Security Attacks (and How to Protect Yourself)

Every website on the Internet is somewhat vulnerable to security attacks. The threats range from human errors to sophisticated attacks by coordinated cyber criminals. According to the Data Breach Investigations Report by Verizon, the primary motivation for cyber attackers is financial. Whether you run an eCommerce project or a simple small business website, the risk of a potential attack is there.

Tripwire Retail Security 2020 Survey: Key Findings

As online sales surge, retail cybersecurity professionals are taking additional precautions to protect their organizations and their customers’ data. On top of this, the COVID-19 pandemic has driven even more consumers to turn to online shopping. Tripwire worked with Dimensional Research to better understand cybersecurity programs in the retail industry as they prepared for the holiday season.

Could Universities' Use of Surveillance Software Be Putting Students at Risk?

Life for university students has changed massively during the coronavirus pandemic, as it has for all of us. While some in-person lectures and seminars are still taking place, there has been a big shift to remote learning. This has, perhaps understandably, led to concerns about how well students are engaging with this way of studying. Many universities have sought to address this by turning to remote monitoring tools to track students’ online activities.

5 Key Security Challenges Facing Critical National Infrastructure (CNI)

Digital threats confronting Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) are on the rise. That’s because attackers are increasingly going after the Operational Technology (OT) and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) that shareholders use to protect these assets.

Secure Your Journey to the Cloud with Tripwire Configuration Manager

Tripwire can help you make your journey to the cloud more secure based on industry standards and best practices like the Center for Internet Security’s 20 CIS Controls. In this presentation, we highlight the cloud capabilities from Tripwire you might not already be aware of. See a guided demo of Tripwire Configuration Manager, and learn about common use cases around issues such as public vs private cloud storage security and multi-cloud compliance.

Survey: 78% of Retailers Took Additional Security Precautions Ahead of the 2020 Holidays

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) stopped many things in 2020. While in-store holiday shopping may be greatly reduced for some, there’s still a lot of shopping happening online. Near the end of November 2020, Statista revealed that holiday retail sales were expected to grow approximately 3.6% over the previous year. And Adobe Analytics reported that online sales would likely rise 33% to a record $189 billion.

From a Single Pane of Glass, to Functional Dashboards to Manage Cyber Risk

For the longest time, or as far as I can remember, the holy grail of all networking platforms has been the need for a single pane of glass, that single source of all information that you would need to be most effective. So, what is a single pane of glass?

Cloud Security: Messy Blobs and Leaky Buckets

Moving to the cloud means a lot more than just moving your servers and applications to the cloud; it’s also about the data – and data always has a target on it. A lot of IT departments are finding that it’s easier to meet the “five nines” (99.999%) of uptime and availability by going outside their organization and letting AWS, Microsoft, or Google handle the infrastructure and personnel needed to meet those requirements.

8 Key Insights from the 2020 (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study

2020 has been a very interesting year for the global workforce, with the vast majority of organizations having to rapidly transition to a remote workforce with little to no prior notice thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 (ISC)2 Cybersecurity Workforce Study looks at the effect of this transition to remote work and how organizations have fared. It also analyzes the impact of the pandemic and the resultant transition to remote work on cybersecurity professionals.

3 Mobile App Security Recommendations for National App Day

On December 11, 2017, Platinum Edge Media and its founder CJ Thompson created National App Day as a way to celebrate how apps have inspired us and changed our culture. The Registrar at National Day Calendar went on to proclaim National App Day to be observed annually. We can’t truly appreciate the impact that apps have on our lives without an idea of how to use these programs securely.