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Practical IT Security Guide to Protecting your People

There is that song by Baz Luhrmann, well it was actually a speech of his first that was later made it into a catchy jingle. It goes … If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it A long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists Whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable Than my own meandering experience, I will dispense this advice now Unfortunately in securing your business, there is no Sunscreen type solution.

Office 365 Incident Response Management

After they entered, they may have left all the other windows and doors open Before working in cyber-security, I once worked at a company, when I was approached to look at another staff member’s email account which was “acting a bit funny”. When I looked, I found the sent mailbox was filling every 5 seconds with a new sent email, each to a seemingly random recipient, each purporting to be able to help the recipients “Meet girls” or “enlarge” one’s whatnot.