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Using Veracode From the Command Line in Cloud9 IDE

Hello, Clint Pollock, principal solutions architect here to explain how to use Veracode completely from a command prompt in your IDE or CI/CD system. I’m going to teach you how to submit a static policy scan and a static sandbox scan. Then, I’m going to clean up some builds using the API, submit a static pipeline scan, a software composition analysis scan, and a dynamic scan … all from the command prompt. Let's get started!

Software Composition Analysis Mitigates Systemic Risk in the Popular NPM Repository

Chris Wysopal, Veracode Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, recently sat down to discuss the open source supply chain attack on the popular NPM repository. Below is the transcript and corresponding video of his reaction.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Top Trends Impacting Your Applications

It’s always important to take a pause to evaluate your software security – and what better time to do that than during Cybersecurity Awareness Month? To help get you thinking, we’ve compiled a list of cybersecurity trends that are happening now and will likely continue throughout the next several years. 1. Ubiquitous Connectivity: We are quickly moving to a world where everyone and everything is connected. Most software is internet-connected, as are most devices.

Software Composition Analysis Mitigates Systemic Risk in the Popular NPM Repository

Chris Wysopal, Veracode Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, recently sat down to discuss the open source supply chain attack on the popular npm repository. Below is the transcript and corresponding video of his reaction. Just a few days ago, we saw a classic open source supply chain attack where someone modified a JavaScript library, UA-Parser-JS, which is in the npm repository.

Veracode Co-Founder & CTO Chris Wysopal talks to BBC World News

Chris Wysopal joined BBC World News for an interview to discuss the global outage of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram. He explored the cause of the outage and explained how the platform’s dependency on its network highlights the importance of mitigating systemic risk.

View Dynamic Analysis Results

In this video, you will learn how to view Dynamic Analysis results. Veracode Dynamic Analysis is a Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) solution that delivers an automated and scalable dynamic scanning capability that enables broad coverage at speed. Because security threats are always evolving, organizations need a product that enables them to start scanning quickly and scale when the security programs and coverage increase.

Recap: Virtual Boston Globe Summit

Veracode CEO Sam King had the opportunity to speak at this year’s inaugural virtual Boston Globe Summit, “The Great Recovery.” Sam was invited to join the panel, How Boston is Tackling the Biggest Cyber Threats Facing Society, moderated by Gregory T. Huang, Business Editor at the Boston Globe, with guests Greg Dracon of.406 Ventures and Christopher Ahlberg of Recorded Future.

Application Security Testing Evolution and How a Software Bill of Materials Can Help

Early in my career, I developed web applications. At the time there were practically no frameworks or libraries to help. I was coding with Java using raw servlets and JSPs – very primitive by today's standards. There was no OWASP Top 10 and writing secure code was not something we paid much attention to.

MPT's Value at Veracode

You finally have some budget to buy tools for your application security (AppSec) program! GREAT! Purchasing the correct tools for your AppSec pogram can be overwhelming. Even when looking only at point solutions, there still may be some confusion on the value that various tools can provide. Sometimes you'll find the perfect tool, but others may offer you a similar tool with added manual penetration testing (MPT) as part of the overall bundle. That seems like a great idea for the budget.