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Red Teaming

How to use Atomic Red Team to test Falco rules in K8s

The best way to know if something works is to try it out. Ensuring that your security products are actually working is a fundamental task of routine maintenance. This is why it is so useful to use tools like Atomic Red Team that generate suspicious events based on ATT&CK techniques and see how Falco triggers alerts. In this blog, we will cover how to install and run the Atomic Red Team environment on a Kubernetes system for testing Falco rules.

What is a Cyber Crisis Simulation?

There are a variety of methods that an organization can implement to test its ability to withstand a cyberattack or another type of catastrophic situation. One such technique is to conduct a crisis simulation. The term crisis simulation is somewhat generic and seems awfully similar to other types of exercises organizations run to test their level of preparedness.

What is Red Teaming in Cyber Security? The Complete Guide

Red teaming is the practice of asking a trusted group of individuals to launch an attack on your software or your organization so that you can test how your defenses will hold up in a real-world situation. Any organization reliant on software – including banks, healthcare providers, government institutions, or logistics companies – is potentially vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as ransomware or data exfiltration.

Purple Team Exercises: Preparing a Cybersecurity Team for a Red Team Attack

This is the second in a series of blogs that describes the importance and inner workings of conducting Red and Purple Team exercises. Part 1 of this blog series gave an overview of how to properly conduct these drills. This blog examines the role Purple Teams play in an effective security testing strategy.

What is Red Teaming? - A Cyber Security Methodology

Red Teaming is a cyber security methodology that uses simulations and attacks to identify an organization's vulnerabilities. In this video, we explore what red teaming is, how it works, and some of the benefits it can provide.#redteaming #cybersecurity Cyphere is a UK-based cyber security services provider helping organisations to secure their most prized assets. We provide technical risk assessment (pen testing/ethical hacking) and managed security services. This advice is a true third party opinion, free from any vendor inclinations or reselling objectives.

Red, Purple, and Blue: The Colors of a Successful Cybersecurity Testing Program

This is the first in a series of blogs that will describe the importance of conducting Red and Purple Team exercises. The first entry in the series gives an overview of how to properly conduct these drills with follow on blogs diving deeper into the specifics of Red and Purple team maneuvers. The first realization most organizations have that their cybersecurity is, let's say, subpar generally comes right after it has been hit by a devastating attack.

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The Battlefield vs Red Teaming - Where the Skills Collide!

It was early 2003 in central Iraq, a couple of hours before dawn, 30 degree heat, and everything had a green tint through the night vision goggles. I was on an operation with a team from the US Psychological Operations forces (psyops) and an ODA (Operational Detachment Alpha) from the US Special Forces. We'd spent days gathering HUMINT (Human Intelligence) and undertaking reconnaissance on the target. The ODA team was set up for the assault, the psyops were ready to run diversionary tactics and I was on the team providing comms and perimeter security. Authorisation was given from above, the operation began, and the sky lit up with tracer rounds.

Red Team Assessments - The Fundamentals 1.3

The final part of this mini Red Team blog series discusses the benefits a Red Team Assessment will bring to your organisation. A security test of any sort is ultimately designed to see how your business can mitigate and learn from any issues found. Yes, compliance can come into this and passing and failing a test is a factor but creating a strong infrastructure to protect the business and customer interests is the key factor here.

Red Teaming - The Fundamentals 1.2

In part one we discussed what a Red Team Assessment is, but how does a Red Team Assessment differ from a Penetration Test? With a Red Team Assessment, we’re testing the whole company, essentially how it fares up to a worst-case scenario attack, whether that’s by a competitive company engaging in corporate espionage hell-bent on disrupting business, or harvesting data, or a criminal organisation breaking in and stealing physical equipment or damaging key infrastructure.

Red Team Assessments - The Fundamentals 1.1

We’re in an age where information is king, misinformation is rife and mass data breaches are commonplace in the mainstream media. Ensuring the security of your organisation’s data, infrastructure and people is paramount and choosing the right service to secure those things is just as important. At Pentest People, we are now delighted to offer our new Red Team Assessment service to our customers. But what is a Red Team Assessment and how does it differ from a Penetration Test?