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Seeing into the Shadows: Tackling ChromeOS Blind Spots with Dell and CrowdStrike

According to a 2023 Forbes article, 12.7% of U.S. workers work remotely and 28.2% have adopted a hybrid work schedule. As device and usage trends continue to shift, organizations must find ways to secure remote endpoints that could grant adversaries access if left vulnerable.

How to Secure Business-Critical Applications

As organizations move more of their business-critical applications to the cloud, adversaries are shifting their tactics accordingly. And within the cloud, it’s clear that cybercriminals are setting their sights on software applications: In fact, industry data shows 8 out of the top 10 breaches in 2023 were related to applications.

HijackLoader Expands Techniques to Improve Defense Evasion

CrowdStrike researchers have identified a HijackLoader (aka IDAT Loader) sample that employs sophisticated evasion techniques to enhance the complexity of the threat. HijackLoader, an increasingly popular tool among adversaries for deploying additional payloads and tooling, continues to evolve as its developers experiment and enhance its capabilities.

CrowdStrike Defends Against Azure Cross-Tenant Synchronization Attacks

As Microsoft Azure continues to gain market share in the cloud infrastructure space, it has garnered attention from adversaries ranging from hacktivist and eCrime threat actors to nation-state adversaries. Recent attacks on Microsoft by cloud-focused threat actors like COZY BEAR are becoming more frequent and garnering huge attention.

Architecture Drift: What It Is and How It Leads to Breaches

Cybercriminals work around the clock to discover new tactics to breach systems. Each time a digital ecosystem changes, it can introduce a weakness for a threat actor to quickly discover and exploit. As technological innovation progresses rapidly, and organizations expand their infrastructure, this weakness may take shape in the form of architecture drift. Today, we explore the concept of architecture drift: what it is, why it matters and how application security posture management (ASPM) can help.