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What is a vCISO

The business risk of a cyber attack is never going away, as cyber criminals continue to develop more innovative ways to access your data. At the same time, organisations have increasing compliance burdens placed on them, such as ISO 27001, Cyber Essentials, and ad hoc information security requirements. This means businesses are under more pressure than ever to set a strong security strategy and, crucially, stick to it.

Why you're struggling with data protection

This blog is based on insight from our 2023 State of Cyber Security report. This month sees GDPR celebrate its 5th birthday, and during that time it’s stayed more-or-less the same. With unchanging rules and half a decade of time to get data protection things in order, you might think that the need for GDPR consultancy is dwindling. However, as we showed in our 2023 State of Cyber Security report, that’s sadly not the case.

What you need to know about Cyber Essentials 2023 update

Cyber Essentials, often just called CE, has been around for nearly a whole decade, and it’s still as popular as ever. The trick to its endurance is the yearly changes that keep it relevant. IASME, the governing body who work with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to maintain the standard, typically update Cyber Essentials every April, give or take a month, and 2023 is no different.