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Sysdig and Falco now powered by eBPF.

At Sysdig we’ve recently undergone a pretty interesting shift in our core instrumentation technology, adapting our agent to take advantage of eBPF – a core part of the Linux kernel. Sysdig now supports eBPF as an alternative to our Sysdig kernel module-based architecture. Today we are excited to share more details about our integration and the inner workings of eBPF. To celebrate this exciting technology we’re publishing a series of articles entirely dedicated to eBPF.

How UpGuard Monitors Linux Systems for Meltdown and Spectre

Meltdown and Spectre are critical vulnerabilities affecting a large swathe of processors: “effectively every [Intel] processor since 1995 (except Intel Itanium and Intel Atom before 2013),” as puts it. ARM and AMD processors are susceptible to portions of Meltdown, though much less at risk than the affected Intel hardware. Exploiting Meltdown allows attackers to access data from other programs, effectively allowing them to steal whatever data they want.