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Email Security

Enable multi-factor authentication for Outlook Web App logins and secure enterprise emails

In March this year, organizations employing Microsoft Exchange were in for a shock when Microsoft announced that a hacker group was gaining access to organizations’ email accounts through vulnerabilities in its Exchange Server email software. The group tried to gain information from defense contractors, schools, and other establishments in the U.S.

Turn your employees into security assets against hackers

I want to talk to you about Peter. He’s a new hire at your company, having joined a couple of days ago. He can just about remember the names of his teammates. The HR Manager has told him to look out for an email so that he can create an account on the company’s employee portal. As expected, he receives an email and clicks on the link provided to enter his credentials.

Stories from the SOC - Successful phishing attack

Every day, billions of emails are sent out, some legitimate, while others are used to target unsuspecting users. According to the FBI, phishing attacks were the most common type of cybercrime in 2020. The reason these are so commonly used is because phishing tools are easy to get a hold of and attackers are taking advantage of the weakest link when it comes to security – the employees.

Egnyte can now scan and classify Microsoft Exchange Online emails

Egnyte now offers email scanning and classification of Microsoft Online Exchange emails and attachments. This is a critical capability for organizations that need to deploy consistent document classification and governance across all documents, whether they exist in an Egnyte cloud repository, with other cloud providers, or on premises.

Cloud Threats Memo: Watch Out for Google Forms Cloud Phishing

Google Forms is one of the preferred tools used by cybercriminals to quickly set up and deliver phishing pages. We have seen examples of Google Forms pages mimicking Microsoft Office 365 logins (one of the preferred imitated applications), financial institutions like American Express, and in general any applications. Despite the naïve layout, the tool is flexible enough to build an (un)realistic login page with few clicks.

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The way we work has fundamentally changed. As business leaders and organisations look ahead to a post-pandemic workplace, one thing is clear: it will be highly flexible and mobile. Join Human Layer Security Global to hear from industry thought leaders and top brands about how this changes insider risk and what you need to do to keep sensitive data secure now and for the future.