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Email Security

Myth Busting 101: Challenging stereotypes and grasping opportunities

As women in tech, the stereotypes put upon us – and particularly those we accept, internalise and resign ourselves to can become the mantras of our whole careers. From “not being technically minded enough” to being “unable to cope with the demands of the job”, our gender and ethnicities can dictate the positions we apply for and hold, and how far we’ll climb.

Raising email security awareness through gamification

October was National Cyber Security Awareness Month which is an excellent opportunity to invest in a modern approach to email security awareness. Most companies and organizations conduct security awareness training annually, during onboarding, and after an adverse event. The effectiveness of periodic training varies greatly and depends on organizational culture and structure, leading to unexpected or undesired results.

Human Layer Security Live - Quantifying human risk: The first step to a secure future - Ed Amoroso

Ed Amoroso, CEO at TAG Cyber LLC and former-CISO at AT&T Research shows sensitive data is put at risk due to email usage every 1.5 days – but in reality, this figure is much higher. That’s because more than half of CISOs rely on employees and their recipients to report email data breaches, despite this approach being inherently unreliable. As a result, CISOs are unable to accurately measure insider risk and deploy technology to properly mitigate it.

Find Risky Inbox Rules in Office 365

Inbox Automation such as forwarding, redirecting, and moving items around can be crucial to many business operations. For example today I was integrating receipt bank, a third party receipt and invoicing system which in turn integrates with our accounting software. Like many respectable third party systems, it supports a robust API for fetching invoices from my suppliers. However it does not do them all and like in many instances, mailbox automation comes in to help.

The Email Laundry End of Life?...

June 1st 2020: Fireeye end of life The Email Laundry email security service. This comes as a surprise to many as Fireeye acquired The Email Laundry back in 2017 and seemingly had plans to greatly expand the service. The Email Laundry serviced MSPs and small organizations whereas Fireeye had a conserted desire and history servicing Enteprise businesses. This may be why Fireeye decided to exit the SME Email Security service market.