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Final Version of NIST SP 1800-23 Guides Identification of Threats to OT Assets

In September 2019, the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced the release of a draft practice guide entitled, “NIST Special Publication (SP) 1800-23: Energy Sector Asset Management.” The NCCoE spent the next two months collecting comments from the public to improve their guide. They then used this feedback to improve upon their initial draft. But the wait is finally over.

Curtail security exploits in applications and fortify your remote endpoints

The trend of working from home has hit the ground running, and businesses have turned to strategies and tools that will ensure a no-plummet productive environment. There are two major forks in the road when it comes to provisioning remote endpoints—users can use their own devices, or the company can hand over corporate-owned devices.

Monitor Carbon Black Defense logs with Datadog

Creating security policies for the devices connected to your network is critical to ensuring that company data is safe. This is especially true as companies adopt a bring-your-own-device model and allow more personal phones, tablets, and laptops to connect to internal services. These devices, or endpoints, introduce unique vulnerabilities that can expose sensitive data if they are not monitored.

What are Authentication Protocols in Cryptography?

Keeping information safe is an ongoing battle and authentication protocols are among our best friends in this fight. Keep reading to learn more! In today’s world, information is one of the most important and valuable assets that an organization can have. That is why keeping sensitive and private information away from prying eyes has the utmost importance. For this purpose, we often employ authentication protocols and cryptography methods.

How Are Bots Affecting Streaming Services?

Recently, it has been reported that Netflix has gained 16 million new sign-ups due to lockdown. This is no surprise with more people than ever being at home as a result of COVID-19. Streaming services are in high demand, this means increased sign-ups, and with more customers signing up, this increases the probability of account takeover attacks and fake account creation. With the current demand being so high for streaming services, we look into the main threats streaming services could face.

Protect Your Business with Digital Forensics Software

The world has been moving toward a fully connected workplace model for years, even prior to COVID-19. Now, understanding your company’s digital presence - and footprint - is more important than ever. Everything you or your employees do online could have lasting consequences for you, your employees, and your brand. Digital forensics provides you with a concrete, analytical way to investigate personnel claims and provide the necessary evidence to properly assess internal issues.

Keeping kids safe online

As we all know by now, the Internet is an excellent tool for business, learning, and entertainment. Not only is it a tool, but it's also an essential part of our lives. Information, connections, and opportunities at the touch or swipe of a finger. As more and more people go online, the age of the average user becomes lower and lower. What is the responsibility we have to safeguard the wellbeing of those that come after us into this new digital age?