Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Detecting CVE-2020-14386 with Falco and mitigating potential container escapes

On September 14, CVE-2020-14386 was reported as a “high” severity threat. This CVE is a kernel security vulnerability that enables an unprivileged local process to gain root access to the system. CVE-2020-14386 is a result of a bug found in the packet socket facility in the Linux kernel. It allows a bad actor to trigger a memory corruption that can be exploited to hijack data and resources and in the most severe case, completely take over the system.

Forging Better Security Outcomes with Integrated Threat Intelligence

For most companies, security and IT systems are growing in complexity, breadth of scope, and coverage, which consumes budget and staff time. The rapid breakdown of the traditional perimeter in this “new normal” world increases the challenges IT teams and remote users face on a daily basis.

How to Secure Mixed Linux/Windows Clusters with Calico Policy

Calico is the only cross-platform CNI and Network Policy engine available today and is currently powers more than 150,000 known clusters across millions of nodes worldwide. Many organizations have .NET and windows workloads that they are or will eventually modernize and deploy to Kubernetes. We have been collaborating with Microsoft and joint customers over the past few years to bring Calico to the Windows platform.

16% of Orgs Require Developers to Self-Educate on Security

Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking was spot on when he said, “Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” It’s no secret that programming is a thriving career path – especially with the speed of software development picking up, not slowing down.

The History of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE)

During the late 1990s, security professionals were using information assurance tools in concert with vulnerability scanners to detect and remove vulnerabilities from the systems for which they are responsible. There’s just one problem – each security vendor has its own database with little to no crossover.

Building Your Team up to Win the Security Arms Race

In a fast-changing world, stopping to assess your success isn’t really an option anymore. It is increasingly important that security teams are constantly proving their worth and tracking their successes with a view to constantly improving so as to not to get caught behind the times and therefore exposed.

Accreditation body CREST recognize Outpost24 for web application penetration testing

We are adding CREST to our growing list of industry certifications, which includes PCI ASV and ISO 27001 ensuring our customers know they’re in good hands and the services they receive meet industry best practice and vital data sovereignty standards.

Find the Correct MSSP or Build an Efficient SOC? (Part 1)

Whether you are a CIO or chief executive of your company, the headlines of cybersecurity threats and attacks might be worrisome for you. There is always a question about how to ensure the cybersecurity of the organization to avoid financial, compliance and reputational risks. Today, to deal with ever-growing, fast, and sophisticated cybersecurity threats and attacks, enterprises either find the correct MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider) or build an efficient SOC (Security Operation Center).

Monitor Alcide kAudit logs with Datadog

Kubernetes audit logs contain detailed information about every request to the Kubernetes API server and are critical to detecting misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in your clusters. But because even a small Kubernetes environment can rapidly generate lots of audit logs, it’s very difficult to manually analyze them.

Challenges faced by companies in adopting online onboarding process

In the face of huge societal and economical challenges, the need for digital transformation seems the only ray of hope for survival for any company in any domain. Even post COVID there is no escape from going digital because generation Z who learned how to swipe a screen before they learned how to speak will be influencing and dictating the market. This might as well change the face of digital onboarding process of the customer.