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The Right Steps to SASE: Understand Where You're Going

When undertaking a new project, the need to deliver quantifiable results today (or at least very quickly!) is a significant challenge facing a CIO, CISO, or anyone with high-level responsibility for enterprise networking and security. Unlike typical IT projects where long development cycles may be tolerated, security must demonstrate value right away and deliver quick wins. Vulnerability is scary.

Live From RSAC: Is Digital Transformation Making AppSec Headless?

Chris Wysopal, Veracode Co-Founder and CTO, recently sat down with Tom Field, ISMG Senior Vice President of Editorial, for an executive interview at the RSA Conference 2021 to discuss if digital transformations are making application security (AppSec) “headless.”

Live From RSAC: AppSec's Future and the Rise of the Chief Product Security Officer

Chris Wysopal, Co-Founder and CTO at Veracode, and Joshua Corman, Chief Strategist of Healthcare and COVID at CISA, presented at the 2021 RSA Conference on AppSec’s future and the need for a new Chief Product Security Officer (CPSO) role. Wysopal started by quoting entrepreneur Marc Andreessen saying, “Software is eating the world,” to express just how much we rely on technology. From our iPhones and laptops to our cars and even our refrigerators … software is everywhere.