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Snyk Container is now an extension in the AWS CloudFormation Registry

Snyk is excited to announce the general availability of Snyk Container as an officially supported and published extension in the AWS CloudFormation Registry! The CloudFormation Registry lets you manage the extensions that are available for use in your CloudFormation account. Public third-party extensions, like Snyk Container, are made available in the registry for use by all CloudFormation users alongside those published by Amazon and must be activated before use on your account.

Top 5 Security Risks of Cloud Computing

Many businesses are shifting workloads to the cloud in an effort to increase efficiency and streamline workloads. In fact, according to the Flexera 2021 State of the Cloud Report, roughly 90% of enterprises anticipate cloud usage will expand even further as a result of COVID-19. While cloud computing can offer organizations a competitive advantage, it is important not to rush into cloud adoptions without understanding the risks involved as well.

How to be Compliant with Biden's Cybersecurity Executive Order

In an ambitious leap towards improving the Nation’s security posture, President Joe Biden has instituted an Executive Order to improve cyber threat information sharing between the U.S Government and the Private Sector. The goal is to align cybersecurity initiatives and minimize future threats to national security by modernizing cybersecurity defenses in the United States.

Lookout Announces Expanded Partnership with Google Cloud to Deliver Zero Trust Security from Endpoint to Cloud

Cloud-based solutions have become essential to how we work and play in the digital era. Many organizations continue their rapid embrace of cloud-based solutions to enable their employees the flexibility to work from anywhere. Cloud spending this year could hit $332 billion, up 23% from 2020, according to a forecast by Gartner, Inc. 1 The cloud has raised our expectations regarding productivity as organizations view the cloud as a true engine of competitive advantage.